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Everything posted by TomCinMI

  1. For you to suddenly come out with "I'm not afraid to buy new, and not afraid to buy 1-2 years old with low mileage" qualifies as ****BREAKING NEWS****. And having people out there snapping up "useds" boosts value retention, so more power to ya!* *Edited: I briefly mistook Nick Halstead for erikrichard--but my point stands.
  2. You seem to be a contrarian who's just spoiling for an argument, facts be damned. As I said, "About just one of the lesser-mentioned features, post-collision braking: ...", just one of numerous very significant safety features which a 2010 vehicle does not have. $10K left after 10 years, without stipulating the mileage? That's good, representing a whole lot of usage of an overall excellent vehicle, inc. taking advantage of all the safety features--& only one occasion of needing them can save multiple lives; what dollar value do you place on those lives? As another poster noted, his 2011 Edge, as much as he/she loved it, can't hold a candle to the current version. Good luck with your DIY car maintenance/repair on such a sophisticated, tech-heavy vehicle in 10 years--& we "know" that there isn't a ton of time, or money, consumption in doing so--if you can find the parts. Time is money, & there's another applicable expression called "penny wise & pound foolish", so when the shoe fits, you need to ...
  3. @vmaxbaby, I notice that you haven't posted to the other most active thread on this ST forum, the one entitled "Poor trans shifting theory investigation". There appears to be worthwhile mention there of an available Power-train Control Module update, which shows up on a diagnostics scan but may not have a TSB # assigned; word is that it's been very helpful. Scope out the thread.
  4. How do you figure that 6 seconds to 60 is slow, let alone it being off by about 0.1 sec compared to the Sport? Never mind. Rhetorical question.
  5. Thank you. Focus & Edge, very different vehicles.
  6. We'll much look forward to an update from you after that.
  7. Well, if there's a TSB per se, and, therefore, prior road-testing of vehicles resulted in the development of the associated software/hardware update, further road-testing would be redundant as hell, certainly if the issue was found to be endemic to the model/trim; either way, even if manufacturers typically try to save update costs by not sending out a letter to all owners about a TSB, Ford had better get Public Relations working overtime on knocking down the bad press that's coming from negative reviews of the Edge ST, by effectively putting out word that the fix is in (if it is, when it is).
  8. Thank you. If what you describe is Ford's bottom-line fix, sounds like they sure should have letters in the mail to each of us about now. I guess you mean that "there was a thread on the possible TSB" ... on this forum.(?) I don't know what is a "possible" TSB; isn't there either a TSB or not, rather than "possible"? Seems as though others here have mentioned LMS in regard to ST's 8-speed. I could Google "LMS", but isn't it an aftermarket mod (which I wouldn't want to be doing to a vehicle under warranty)? Do you happen to be familiar with "FORScan"? And how about my question, please, of whether you still believe you're experiencing an improvement in shifting?
  9. Full disclosure: In starting this thread, fingernip requested, "Please report what octane you are using ONLY if you are feeling clumsy bucking shifts." That caveat comes after the octane survey, which is above the initial post; I answered that I've been using 87 octane, although I don't perceive my shifting to generally be so clumsy or bucking as others have. Shifts seem fairly seamless when the trans is warm. So, taking away my "vote", only four folks have answered the survey.
  10. A PCM is hardware, correct, not software? So when you say it was updated, you mean it was replaced--or just the software which runs it was updated? Is that the transmission fix which Ford has prescribed? Now, nearly a week later, does shifting still seem much better?
  11. Keep telling yourself that; won't make it true. About just one of the lesser-mentioned features, post-collision braking: If one is involved in a wreck that's none of his/her fault, there's always the potential of ricocheting off into another lane of traffic--very possibly oncoming traffic--unless post-collision braking kicks in, so the vehicle automatically brakes upon first impact; that's one of countless scenarios which have nothing to do with being "lazy/inattentive".
  12. I sure didn't comment on the video without having watched it. My point was, and is: Why are you so confident that his description of the transmission's history is accurate? He didn't cite his source. If your answer is "faith", well, OK, then faith.
  13. I'm not gonna resurrect the entire conversation, and the caveats/distinctions which each of us have made, but you sure did seem to imply that the Edge ST's paddle shifting (yes, naturally with its transmission) is so poor that one may as well forget tackling a mountain with it; otherwise--as I indicated--I understood what you were saying the first time. And, of course, "other (more expensive) vehicles" speaks to price point, on which ST is very well placed.
  14. Correct, + occurs to me that, last I recall, at least around c. 2015, seems like Edge Sports weren't rated to tow; not performance related, but that's sure significant in my state. Extra cooling comes with both the ST & tow packages.
  15. Thank you very much. Rather than right next to that, "Go to profile", then "Edit profile". Somehow a signature is a setting; interesting.
  16. Interesting point. That is insightful.
  17. I thanked him for what seems to be his honest, thoughtful take, before reading that remark from you. No disliking honesty, but sounds like maybe someone ought to come down off that cross, because somebody else might need the wood.
  18. Sounds like you are getting involved in the debate. I linked that Savagegeese video in my first comment to this thread, as one of the "con" (vs. "pro") reviews; why are you so sure that the video's claims, about how the transmission came to be, are accurate? So many of those who commented directly on the video came off as though, "Wow, Savagegeese. May as well have come from God Himself!" There are all kinds of agendas at play, let alone sloppiness, in the making of YouTube content.
  19. No, I didn't misunderstand. And you didn't get to my questions: "Concerning uphill/downhill, do you contend that the ST's paddle-shifting in "S" isn't up to those situations? Because if you think that, shouldn't there be just about zero Edges sold in Colorado (not just ST's, since all Edges have paddles)?"
  20. I appreciate what seems to be your honest, thoughtful take on the trans. My position from the beginning has been that, of course, there's room for improvement--and that those of us with an interest in not seeing the Edge ST's rep badly tarnished and its value-retention tanked (#1) really should communicate concerns to Ford, inc. emphasizing to them the impact which negative reviews are having, as well as (#2) speak up about the numerous strengths of the vehicle. At the same time, I'll never understand the "need" to destroy good tires.
  21. I've used the site's search engine on this issue without success, searching "signature" and "comment signature", getting returns about signature lights and whomever's random comments ... after scouring my Edit Profile function for where/how to create an automatic comments signature, such as some other forum participants have, often to list their past and current Ford vehicles, as I want to do. After you please give me a hand with this, I'd say this is a topic worth pinning--either that, or make the signature function evident under Edit Profile. Thanks.
  22. Wow, that's a snarky, even nasty comment. And as far as your "I sincerely doubt my 2010 Edge is any less safe than your 2019 Edge", if I were borderline snarky I'd reply "LOL", but I'll just state the obvious: You're objectively wrong on that. Giving you the benefit of the doubt, maybe you haven't studied up. The better than average depreciation on the 2019 Edge ST (for sure in Michigan), even with unfair hits against it, is well worth the value in exceptional safety--yes, exceptional.
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