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Wheel stud replacement?


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Hi guys, I have a stripped rear wheel stud on my 2009 Edge. Is there a way to replace the stud without taking the rear hub off? The wheel nut just spins on the stud, and will not tighten at all. I would like to fix it the easiest way possible. Thank you for any help you can give me. I appreciate it.

Regards, Paul

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Hi guys, I have a stripped rear wheel stud on my 2009 Edge. Is there a way to replace the stud without taking the rear hub off? The wheel nut just spins on the stud, and will not tighten at all. I would like to fix it the easiest way possible. Thank you for any help you can give me. I appreciate it.

Regards, Paul

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  • 5 months later...

Assuming that the wheel is still on the vehicle .. there are two possibilities. 1) that the nut is spinning on the wheel stud. (this is the better of the two outcomes). 2) that the stud is spinning in the wheel hub. (very bad - pay someone to do it.)


In the case of number 1 (happened to me) I was able to knock the decorative cover off the nut exposing the center and top of the stud. From here I was able to knock it out of the nut and out the back side of the hub with a drift pin. I was very lucky that it went down like this. There is enough room to remove a stud from the hub while still attached on most cars. But in the case where the stud is spinning in the hub, the nut will have too much hold on the stud and you'll not be able to knock it out. You'd have to cut the back of the stud off and pound it outwards or drill out the center and pray. I will caution you about this. There is no TRY.. only do. If you start and the stud gets out a little bit on the back side ... and you fail to totally remove it, you'll not be able to drive the car anywhere as the stud will most likely bind on the bearing carrier assembly. As was the case with mine.


Either way .. I like Drew's recommendation of take it back to the last yutz's who cranked it down so tight as to strip what ever got striped.

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