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Navigation routing problems after upgrade

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2011 Edge Limited with nav. After the s/w upgrade, when programming a trip there are two problems dealer can not fix. A trip is programed using mostly interstate driving. After approximately three hours of driving, nav system will give directions to turn off the interstate and wants driver to drive on surface roads that do not go to final destination. If turn command is ignored, system will recalculate using original route. But then this is repeated several times during the trip. It makes no difference if shortest route or fastest route is selected. Had I not been familiar with the programed route who knows where I would have ended up. Unre;iable navigation system. No problem prior to upgrade.

Additionally when driving the interstates, the split screen should show distance and time to the upcoming turn offs. Distance is shown but time is not. Only shown as 00h:00m.

Is anyone else experiencing this?

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2011 Edge Limited with nav. After the s/w upgrade, when programming a trip there are two problems dealer can not fix. A trip is programed using mostly interstate driving. After approximately three hours of driving, nav system will give directions to turn off the interstate and wants driver to drive on surface roads that do not go to final destination. If turn command is ignored, system will recalculate using original route. But then this is repeated several times during the trip. It makes no difference if shortest route or fastest route is selected. Had I not been familiar with the programed route who knows where I would have ended up. Unre;iable navigation system. No problem prior to upgrade.

Additionally when driving the interstates, the split screen should show distance and time to the upcoming turn offs. Distance is shown but time is not. Only shown as 00h:00m.

Is anyone else experiencing this?


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I haven't really had the chance to do a long route but this does make me nervous about our summer vacation. But I will say I did have it act very strange last summer going to SC on 2.8. Somewhere way up in NC it said to get off the road and took us on a horrible route. On the way home it took us on what looked like a much more reasonable route. So maybe this has been there all along but doesn't always show up??? I guess I will be travelling with the TomTom again.

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For me we set it to take us from NJ to MB SC and did not edit route. It told us to get off I-95 onto either 795 or 40, can't remember which. Just remember ooking at the map thinking it was strange but since it was a highway I would give it a shot. Well not far in it turned to back roads. It did get us there but I would say we lost 45 minutes to an hour. But I think something was wrong from the beginning since there were no voice prompts, then after a fuel up they were back. On the way home it routed us how I would have expected from the start. But even this wasn't without issues. Several times along the way on I-95 it said we were off route and driving through a field. Then just as I got off the GSP the whole thing just locked up.

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Not for my case...I had it set to notify me and it was doing that the whole time. So this was definitely a routing quirk. When I explained it to SMR support they didn't seem to be too surprised and suggested updating to 2.11. We had so many problems with 2.11 I couldn't even tell you if this was better. Besides 99% of our nav use is for short trips, like 2 hours.

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The other option that could play a role in it is traffic. I think that there is a setting that says to reroute around traffic without notifying you. Could this have been it?


This is another problem I am having. System is not displaying traffic although that is selected.

I'll be returning to the dealer today to get an update as the tech was going to "emphasize" to Ford, reloading software did not fix the problem.

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My new version doesn't recognize the in-law's address anymore... which may or may not be a problem! :D The older version didn't have any issues with it.


Also, it's still just as slow, if not worse, while trying to type in an address manually. Overall I'm not extremely impressed.

Edited by mrdave
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2011 Edge Limited with nav. After the s/w upgrade, when programming a trip there are two problems dealer can not fix. A trip is programed using mostly interstate driving. After approximately three hours of driving, nav system will give directions to turn off the interstate and wants driver to drive on surface roads that do not go to final destination. If turn command is ignored, system will recalculate using original route. But then this is repeated several times during the trip. It makes no difference if shortest route or fastest route is selected. Had I not been familiar with the programed route who knows where I would have ended up. Unre;iable navigation system. No problem prior to upgrade.

Additionally when driving the interstates, the split screen should show distance and time to the upcoming turn offs. Distance is shown but time is not. Only shown as 00h:00m.

Is anyone else experiencing this?


Update: Dealer is not able to fix the problem and I have been given a phone number for Ford Customer Service to pursue this further. I can see this will go nowhere. A $200 Garmin GPS outperforms Ford's answer for a navigation system. What is sad about this is the price paid for "My Ford Touch" that did work at one time but now is useless. Maybe time for small claims court.

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Good luck with Ford...did your dealer tell you that they are working on fixes to the rewrite? Last time I brought mine in they just said they were working on it but gave nothing specific. I am a bit pissed about the nav too...originally it lagged your actual position so bad that in busy interchanges you were never sure if you were making the right turn. Now it is much closer but I find in some places it still has me offroad or ahead of where I am at. So even if you make the turn you are supposed to you start getting prompts to make a u-turn. Also still get occasional red X over the GPS indicating I have no signal. Never have any issues like this with TomToms or Garmins. According to my dealer they can find nothing wrong either, even though I can show pictures and video of what is happening. Very frustrating that this GPS was like $800 and my closeout TomTom from Target for $35 blows it out of the water.

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