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Wiring Help - Switchbacks & DRLs on same wire?

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Just need some wiring help. I decided to give the VLED switchbacks another go and use the 6ohm resistors (at 25% off today, I couldn't resist). How can I wire up the SB resistors and the Philips DRL on the same wire? Will it make a difference or mess something up?


Any ideas as to which turn signal bulb wires to use (I think they are different color wires on the passenger and drivers side turn signal sockets)?


Here's how my DRL is integrated now (thanks Cellbine for taking this photo!!!):




Just trying to get everything integrated correctly and safety. Thanks!

Edited by candurin
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The DRL wire that taps into the turn signal wiring is just to sense power. So I don't think the tap will have much effect on how the system responds. I am however, not an expert. I have just tapped my DRLs into the wire shown in the picture you posted. Here is a vid I shot of a cycle through the ligths and of the wiring in the engine bay:



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LED resistors must be wired between the positive and ground of the FLASHING signal wire and ground. In the picture above, this would be the Blue/Green (+) and Black/Green (Ground). In Ford vehicles, Black/Green is always ground, and on the parking light fixtures up front, the opposing OUTSIDE wire will be the blinker power wire, and the middle is the parking light power wire. Hope that helps.

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