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Dealer wants to sell me additional plans


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I am finalizing a deal on a 2013 Edget SEL AWD, I drive approximately 40,000km per yer.


Dealer is trying to see me on:


1. Platinum shield protection for interior ($499), exterior ($499) and the rust infibitor plug in ($799)

2. Premium care package (extended warranty) $3,200 for 150,000km

3. Ford Extenced Maintence program $2,500 for 150,000


Is anyone using these? Any suggestions.

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Don't know Canadian prices verses the U.S., but they seem expensive. The only one I would definately go for is Fords Premium Care, covers just about everything. Paint and fabric protection, in my opinion, a waste of money. Don't know much about the rust inhibitor, but $799, come on guys, a bit much. Haven't thought much about extended mainenance, Use your gut feeling.

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Same here, I normally don't do the extra coverage. I've only owned hondas and when I did purchase the extra plans, I never needed them.


Going from Honda to Ford, I'm a little worried about reliablility and since the Ford is so packed with technology and LCD screens I figured I will go for the Premium care package. I won't be going through my dealer though. I think I'm going with a plan from Flood Ford or Anderson and Koch since they offer the plans much cheaper and since they're out of state, I'll save on taxes as well.


Also, I believe you don't have to purchase right away. You have the factory 3 year 36,000 mile bumper to bumper warranty from Ford and as long as you purchase these extended plans on line prior to reaching 3 years or 36,000 miles you're good to go. I'll probably go this route and purchase the plan next year since we are dropping a large down payment on the Edge. Just easier on the wallet to purchase next year or two years down the line since we are protected by the factory warranty in the meantime.


Don't worry about the exterior or interior coverage. We're taking delivery of the Edge this Saturday and I'm going home immediately to condition the leather, protect the interior panels and then seal the paint/clear coat. People around here seem to go with a sealant named Collinite 845 and my local Advanced Auto Parts ordered me a bottle which is arriving tonight. Protect the paint, windows and wheels with this and you should be good to go. Water spots shouldn't be an issue using this product.


Hope that helps.


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Just do the extended warranty, everything else is wasteful. A good bottle of wax costs $12....all you gotta do is wax it two-three times a year and there is your $500 exterior protection. If you're worried about carpet stains, grab some scotch guard spray and apply to the interior once or twice a year and it will reduce the risk of stains, and again, a few bucks compared to $500. Good luck

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I went with the Premium Care 7 year 150,000 kms for the same reasons, lots of electronics and my first Ford after being a Honda owner for 9 years problem free. I too had a 7 year extended warranty with Honda that I never needed, but it was much cheaper than the Ford extended warranty. That made me think a while about getting the Ford plan, but I didn't want to chance it being unsure of Ford quality and I intend to keep this vehicle for a long time, and now I have seven years worry free. After that if I have a major problem, I'll sell it.

Give FordESP.ca a call. I got my Ford extended warranty for $2900 through them after the local Ford dealer wanted $3800 and then dropped down to $3400 after I said no thanks. Said no thanks the second time too. FordESP.ca is through Barrie Ford here in Canada. I chose to get Diamond-Kote paint and rust protection for less than half the price of the Platinum Shield protection. Same as what I have on my Honda Accord and there isn't a spot of rust on it and the paint looks like new after nine Canadian winters and counting.

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