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Tinted windows

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does anybody know the standard tint (back seat) is? I wanted to get the (2) front sides the same tint, and wondered if anybody has pics of what all the windows tinted looks like?


thanks in advance!


Hi sonyguy. :D I am in no way trying to tell you you should or shouldn't tint your windows. However, I just wanted to mention that in many States, you cannot legally tint your front side windows (driver and front seat passenger windows).


A certain amount of tint is allowed in some/many states, but you don't mention what State you live in. Here is a link which lists the allowable legal tint for all windows in each State: LINK: Tint Laws by State


Again, I am not trying to tell you not to tint your side front windows, just give you the information you need to avoid a possible ticket.


Whatever you decide to do, good luck! :beerchug:

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okay... bbf2530 I have been wanting to ask: are you a lawyer, maybe a risk analyst, insurance agent, maybe an ex cop or something? You are such a stick in the mud dude. This is like 5 or 6th or so topic I can recall (window tinting, HIDs, torsion bar, engine tunes, suspension lower, front license plates, wheel width) where you come right in and lay out the disclaimers and safety concerns.. when in reality, no one really asks for that stuff..


people just want to, and are going to, tint windows, install HIDs, adjust their suspension, put on trick wheels.. so I don't get it. always need to seem to play the kurmugeon father or big brotha role and inform people of the risks of doing the thing they want to do. everyone here is an adult.




the consensus is 20% charcoal will get you what you want. I did it and it looks AWESOME.. as have many and that seems the best match for privacy glass in this case. I think it is a 'must do' upgrade as it looks whacky to me to have privacy glass all around except the front

Edited by Lex Talionis
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okay... bbf2530 I have been wanting to ask: are you a lawyer, maybe a risk analyst, insurance agent, maybe an ex cop or something? You are such a stick in the mud dude. This is like 5 or 6th or so topic I can recall (window tinting, HIDs, torsion bar, engine tunes, suspension lower, front license plates, wheel width) where you come right in and lay out the disclaimers and safety concerns.. when in reality, no one really asks for that stuff..


people just want to, and are going to, tint windows, install HIDs, adjust their suspension, put on trick wheels.. so I don't get it. always need to seem to play the kurmugeon father or big brotha role and inform people of the risks of doing the thing they want to do. everyone here is an adult.




the consensus is 20% charcoal will get you what you want. I did it and it looks AWESOME.. as have many and that seems the best match for privacy glass in this case. I think it is a 'must do' upgrade as it looks whacky to me to have privacy glass all around except the front


Lex, I do not generally discuss my career online, since it is of no concern and not relevant. I guess since you can't attack the facts I present, you attempt to attack me? Rather immature.


Perhaps if you would take the time to read posts completely, you would see that I clearly state that I am not trying to tell anyone what to do. I give relevant information which any forum member is then free to listen to, or ignore.


I provided "sonyguy" a link which he is now free to use or ignore, and at no time told him what to do either way. If you do not like that, it is your problem to deal with.


If you do not like the advice, ignore it, as everyone else is free to do. Whether it is HID headlights (of which you are now bitching and moaning in other threads, but I did not say I told you so), window tint, or any other mod, we are all free to do as we like.


Where have I told anyone not to tint their windows or install what they like? Think before you write, as we have requested of you in the past.


I will keep providing information, not opinions. Then people can do however they like. Notice that I never tell people they were foolish for doing something, whether it is legal or illegal.


Perhaps you should stop behaving like some ungrateful, adolescent rebel without a cause, instead of insulting those who are trying to help. It's getting old.

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Lex, I do not generally discuss my career online, since it is of no concern and not relevant. I guess since you can't attack the facts I present, you attempt to attack me? Rather immature.


Perhaps if you would take the time to read posts completely, you would see that I clearly state that I am not trying to tell anyone what to do. I give relevant information which any forum member is then free to listen to, or ignore.


I provided "sonyguy" a link which he is now free to use or ignore, and at no time told him what to do either way. If you do not like that, it is your problem to deal with.


If you do not like the advice, ignore it, as everyone else is free to do. Whether it is HID headlights (of which you are now bitching and moaning in other threads, but I did not say I told you so), window tint, or any other mod, we are all free to do as we like.


Where have I told anyone not to tint their windows or install what they like? Think before you write, as we have requested of you in the past.


I will keep providing information, not opinions. Then people can do however they like. Notice that I never tell people they were foolish for doing something, whether it is legal or illegal.


Perhaps you should stop behaving like some ungrateful, adolescent rebel without a cause, instead of insulting those who are trying to help. It's getting old.


WOW... heck of a mean tirade for my more tongue and cheek questioning.. guess I hit a nerve

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1) I am curious about factory % too

However, a good tint place will be able match it without prior knowledge of the %.

2) I side with bbf2530 because where I live too, it is illegal to tint Fronts (but that doesnt mean I wont).


All bbf2530 is stating to be aware of the risks involved - many people do not know it is illegal to tint front windows in most states. It would really stink if sonyguy19 was unaware and gets a ticket the next day. Further, the % allowed in states that allow front tinting is so small that you cant even tell it is tinted.


bbf2530 may have come across a wee bit harsh - but what he does for a living does indeed have no bearing. Could we learn a lot about him if he does tell us - possibly, but that is his prerogative to not say.



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WOW... heck of a mean tirade for my more tongue and cheek questioning.. guess I hit a nerve


Well Lex, you called me a "stick in the mud", told me I "always need to seem to play the kurmugeon (sic) father or big brotha (sic) role", and stated that "no one really asks for that stuff".


All of that and more in response to a polite answer I gave to someone else, that had nothing to do with you. Then you have the nerve to call my reply a mean tirade? WOW, and you find it hard to believe that I would reply in kind (except I backed up my stance with facts)?


This is a recurring role for you. You attack someone needlessly, then when they retaliate with facts that you cannot argue, you ignore the facts and attempt to back off by saying "I was only kidding" or in this case, it was only "tongue and cheek questioning" (by the way, the correct phrase is "tongue in cheek").


Perhaps you should learn from your mistakes and not criticize others for how they answer a question (which was not even asked by you), especially when my answer was both informative and polite.


If you truly believe your own words that "everyone here is an adult", then let us all decide what information we will listen to, and what we will ignore. Then you will be a contributing member of the forums.

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but what he does for a living does indeed have no bearing.


agreed... it was a 100% rhetorical question, guess I figured that was painfully obvious, I would never expect an answer to that question on a public forum.. so to fixate on it like it matters... it is just the way to open the line of questioning...


bbf2530 may have come across a wee bit harsh


ya think?? I was just ribbing him... hence the terms "stick in the mud" and "kurmugeon"


However, a good tint place will be able match it without prior knowledge of the %


my tint guy said this is not toally true as 'privacy glass' seems to vary by company. he said he has matched some 100% and others, a little harder to match and all are called privacy glass. plus, tint does not come in a ton of options for %. so, 20% seems to be the closest. for example, there is not a 22% or 18% - so 20% was the closest match



so, I am about to install new speakers... I guess I better be told not to turn them up to loud as it might hurt my and my dogs ears ;)

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Well Lex, you called me a "stick in the mud", told me I "always need to seem to play the kurmugeon (sic) father or big brotha (sic) role", and stated that "no one really asks for that stuff".


All of that and more in response to a polite answer I gave to someone else, that had nothing to do with you. Then you have the nerve to call my reply a mean tirade? WOW, and you find it hard to believe that I would reply in kind (except I backed up my stance with facts)?


This is a recurring role for you. You attack someone needlessly, then when they retaliate with facts that you cannot argue, you ignore the facts and attempt to back off by saying "I was only kidding" or in this case, it was only "tongue and cheek questioning" (by the way, the correct phrase is "tongue in cheek").


Perhaps you should learn from your mistakes and not criticize others for how they answer a question (which was not even asked by you), especially when my answer was both informative and polite.


If you truly believe your own words that "everyone here is an adult", then let us all decide what information we will listen to, and what we will ignore. Then you will be a contributing member of the forums.


dude.. take it easy.. you are taking this way to far and going on about it..

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Back on topic...


Sonyguy, we obviously don't have to live by the same rules as the US does however I was also wondering the same thing. I would like to know if such a law exists in Ontario. I have always had very dark tint on my windows here and never had a problem but I don't know if that just because law enforcement aren't really concerned much about that here. Heck, I think it would be interesting to see the reaction on an officer's face pulling over my wife and our 4 month old in his car seat for dark windows. I was thinking of doing the same thing, matching the sides to the back windows but wasn't sure of the legality of doing so. If you find a good place here, please let me know.



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1) I am curious about factory % too

However, a good tint place will be able match it without prior knowledge of the %.

2) I side with bbf2530 because where I live too, it is illegal to tint Fronts (but that doesnt mean I wont).


All bbf2530 is stating to be aware of the risks involved - many people do not know it is illegal to tint front windows in most states. It would really stink if sonyguy19 was unaware and gets a ticket the next day. Further, the % allowed in states that allow front tinting is so small that you cant even tell it is tinted.


bbf2530 may have come across a wee bit harsh - but what he does for a living does indeed have no bearing. Could we learn a lot about him if he does tell us - possibly, but that is his prerogative to not say.




Hi Solas. :D Thank you for taking the time to read and understand exactly what I was trying to tell "sonyguy".


I can understand why you may feel I was a wee bit harsh. However, in explanation, this is not the first time Lex has done this to me and others, then attempted to hide behind the "Dude, I was only kidding, you are taking this too serious" excuse.


No matter how much you try to help some people, sometimes they feel a need to attack others for no reason. It gets old sometimes. Nothing major, just like a mosquito that needs slapping.


However, I will not allow the boo bugs to stop me from trying to help others when I can.


As usual, I am perfectly willing to let it go and hold no grudges, if he will just "stop the insanity".


Good luck Solas! :beerchug:

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Back on topic...


Sonyguy, we obviously don't have to live by the same rules as the US does however I was also wondering the same thing. I would like to know if such a law exists in Ontario. I have always had very dark tint on my windows here and never had a problem but I don't know if that just because law enforcement aren't really concerned much about that here. Heck, I think it would be interesting to see the reaction on an officer's face pulling over my wife and our 4 month old in his car seat for dark windows. I was thinking of doing the same thing, matching the sides to the back windows but wasn't sure of the legality of doing so. If you find a good place here, please let me know.




Hi Craiger. :D Here is a link I found regarding Canadian window tint laws: LINK; Canadian Window Tint Laws



It seems to be a little more vague than the US law site. If I can find anything more specific, I will provide a link.


Good luck! :beerchug:

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In my case, the tint came on our Edge and it's the legal limit in AZ. However, I am going to redo it because the person who did it at the dealer, did a jacked up job (bottom is peeling) and I am taking it to a shop in Scottsdale I have used previously.


I am having them redo the windows and add the blue strip on the top of the windshield.

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Thanks....vague is good sometimes ;)

Sometimes - it can work for you and work against you. Remember, it is up to the officer to interpret vague laws - at first.


As for the US - it is illegal here to have fronts tinted (my state of course). It is also illegal to NOT have a front plate in my state. It ALL depends on the police officer to be honest.


I now live in the "poor" end of a "yuppy" city and I have to be careful. I have 1 warning for my NO front plate but nothing for my 20% tint on all windows in my 3 (compact car). But where I lived before for 5 years and literally 45 yards from the police station - they never cared (even when given speeding tickets). But I am a pasty white male 18-40 years of age that is polite - most of the time.


Gotta weigh risk with style (style should always win :wacko: :shades: )



bbf2530 - i hear ya!!!




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bbf2530 - i hear ya!!!





Hi Solas. I am posting this PM I received a short time ago from "Lex Talionis". I just wanted you and everyone else involved to see why I replied to him in the matter I did. Personally, I find this PM he sent me pathetic.


It is unfortunate that along with the good, we have to deal with some bad. But it is part of life.


Unfortunately, he is the type that cannot just leave well enough alone. I hope you will now better understand what some of us have been dealing with.


His attacks, followed by "Dude I was only kidding..." have grown old.


And to address those who may say that I should not have posted a PM publicly: I did not solicit this correspondence from him, and the Internet is an open and free forum. One should not write what they do not want the world to see, especially if he is as proud of these words as he says he is. Nothing on the Internet is private. A good lesson for him.


To "sonyguy" and the other helpful members here, I am truly sorry we had to get off subject.


His PM is underlined, my response follows and is not underlined. I post my response to be fair and show my reply. I hide nothing.




You know.. we could continue to do this in public, or take it off line. I will make an attempt to take it off line and not bore the others... Maybe you will use it against me at a later date, maybe it will stay between us, but we should get down to brass tacks here as I am no longer interested in playing with you as you with me having seen what a simple ribbing turned into.


You are way overreacting here AND taking this much to far in public. I made a ribbing towards you, you all out attacked me - and continued to do so. you took it to far in public and now it is time to defend myself as you have totally escalated this into way more than necessary. I do not care if you respond, nor what you think about me. But I feel the need to set the record straight here and make myself clear to you in private as you have done to me in public.


you keep taking mean spirited shots at me in that thread. you claim to let it go, but keep firing. Also, you are a 100% manipulator of the facts as they suit you. And, you do that often - despite saying I do the same. You want to keep talking about who I am and how I am and what I do.. but yet you consistently ramble on and on. Almost everything you say about me, you are just as much of a culprit of - but your trick is that you like to call that person out first, sidetrack the real issue, and act like you are not those things you claim they are by calling them it first. You have, and do, the same things to me you claim I do to you and others. You did it right there as proof. Attacked me, much more meanly, over a simple ribbing.


You claim I am not a supporting member of this forum.. get your head out of your butt and take a look around. I start topics, I add to topics, I add photos, I answer questions, I do research, I make calls and emails and get answers, I bust my butt to help. So stop trying to act like I do not participate here. You use that innuendo a lot around here when responding to me. And it is total BS. You act so hard like you are the nice guy with your totally fake smiley face intro and little cheers guys at the end every time you answer someone, then your true colors come out if someone stands up to you or ribs you a little to hard for your tastes. I may be the only one willing to tangle with you, but I see that side of you clearly.


I guess you are picking and choosing what you want to report here about those "other" HID threads I am in. I guess you just glossed over the like 5 times I have said how much I love them, recommend them and the 'issue' I am having is small in the scheme of the pay off and pretty expected. Plus, you act like you had anything worthwhile to add to any HID thread, when myself and a few others have actually gone and done it, put in the effort, spent the money, done the research, posted results, taken photos, made calls, emails, helped others through it, did the work successfully and with results we are cool with - while you sat on the sidelines and watched. Then, because of a hiccup, make some totally skewed remark about the success of the venture. so, really, you can't say "I told you so" as all we really got from you was one of those exact disclaimers you are great about about how it is illegal, not safe for others.


You say stuff like "If you truly believe your own words that "everyone here is an adult", then let us all decide what information we will listen to, and what we will ignore. Then you will be a contributing member of the forums." - but yet you cannot follow your own advice you are doging me for not following - as you hit back. If I am not what you are, than you would just stop.. but you don't.


You say "No matter how much you help some people, sometimes they feel a need to attack others for no reason." and then talk about needing a smack like a mosquito - and you are not attacking? but I guess yours is okay because I fired the first mild shot giving you the license to just keep going while I sit back and read on as you spout on and continue to take heavy shots?


You say "However, in explanation, this is not the first time Lex has done this to me, and others." - when it has ONLY ever been you and arkiby that I get into it with.. but this tactic is common for you, you try to spin it as though there is something more to it so new eyes will see what you say and think it is total truth. The reality, as seen here, is that you are very capable of, and do, dispense with the harshness on people as you claim I do.


You say "If you do not like the advice, ignore it, as everyone else is free to do." - but yet you cannot ignore mine? Again, you can make these statements, but you do not follow through on your own and do them yourself. It is like you can say them and give them out, but can't follow them. So in essence, we are the same, but if you say to me not to do it while you do it, you think you are okay.


You said "Perhaps you should stop behaving like some ungrateful, adolescent rebel without a cause, instead of insulting those who are trying to help. It's getting old. " - in response to my simple "stick in the mud" or "kurmugeon". Stop, take a look at what I said and ask yourself, "is my response to Lex really worthy of mean spirited more blatant attacks to his kiddish ribbing?" No would be the answer.


I could go on and on and dissect our little banter here... as I am sure you can and will.. but you you know man, I really do not care about you or how you see me, and I am sure you feel the same as we mean little in each others life's, but you taking it to the level you did in public pushed me to make this effort to respond in private. And FWIW, so we stay grounded here, I can tell you, based on PMs and emails I have gotten - as I am sure you have about me - you are not thought of as highly as you seem to try to come across as. I don't claim to be, but the difference is I do not act like I am while you use methods that come across as though you are the wise, longer term, older, been around the block more contributing member. It is just simple manipulation, which you do well - but I suspect you know this already.




My reply to him was as follows:


Wow Lex. A more ridiculous rant I have rarely seen from a so called mature adult. Until recently, I have done nothing but help you, and even defended you.


I do not want to "banter' with you or anyone else. I am here to help others.


A mature adult does not take shots at someone, then hide behind the "Dude, I was only kidding" routine, as you constantly do. Be a man.


I provide help and answers to people, you seem to want to debate with anyone and everyone. You "cherry pick" your facts and accuse others? Pathetic.


I have no high regard for myself, I am only here to answer the questions that I can. Perhaps you and your PM and E-mail friends can throw an imaginary party together. Again, pathetic.


You "took it off-line" because you want to try and have the last word, and realized how pathetic you would look.


I used to feel sorry for you, now I see you for what you really are, an ungrateful, adolescent rebel without a cause. You should have dropped it while you still had an ounce of dignity.


Do not contact me again, as your attempts will be deleted without reading. Actually, you will be blocked.

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Wow - you are even more twisted than I thought. I am stunned you would do this bbf2530. Truly. For the record, I do not regret or am embarrassed by my private PM to you, nor did I ever say sorry or apologize for anything like you keep saying I did. And, I was being "a man" - I took it to you offline.


I did not take it off line to have the last word, I took it off line to save every one else the headache we were going down that you now drew them into. You say I want to have the last word, then look what you do while I try to PM behind the scenes so we could hash it out man to man. You said "To "sonyguy" and the other helpful members here, I am truly sorry we had to get off subject. " - but yet you do this? Why would you even do this? What is your motivation - you want to publicly hurt someone - me - this much? We may think each other kooky, but this is pretty sick to go and do in public and a whole big step above public banter I tried to take offline.


I think you taking something like this and posting it live just to try to do your best to belittle me, hurt me, ridicule me, embarrass me, and make me a laughing stock says a lot about you. And you know, it bums me out - bums me out that a person would do this. Again, not that I have a problem letting people see my feelings, but from a guy that claims to be so upstanding and act so civil and above adolescent antics like mine, I would not have ever done something like this to someone. But, as I called it in the opening sentence, I knew it was a risk to take with you, just did not fully think you would do it.

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Wow - you are even more twisted than I thought. I am stunned you would do this bbf2530. Truly. For the record, I do not regret or am embarrassed by my private PM to you, nor did I ever say sorry or apologize for anything like you keep saying I did. And, I was being "a man" - I took it to you offline.


I did not take it off line to have the last word, I took it off line to save every one else the headache we were going down that you now drew them into. You say I want to have the last word, then look what you do while I try to PM behind the scenes so we could hash it out man to man. You said "To "sonyguy" and the other helpful members here, I am truly sorry we had to get off subject. " - but yet you do this? Why would you even do this? What is your motivation - you want to publicly hurt someone - me - this much? We may think each other kooky, but this is pretty sick to go and do in public and a whole big step above public banter I tried to take offline.


I think you taking something like this and posting it live just to try to do your best to belittle me, hurt me, ridicule me, embarrass me, and make me a laughing stock says a lot about you. And you know, it bums me out - bums me out that a person would do this. Again, not that I have a problem letting people see my feelings, but from a guy that claims to be so upstanding and act so civil and above adolescent antics like mine, I would not have ever done something like this to someone. But, as I called it in the opening sentence, I knew it was a risk to take with you, just did not fully think you would do it.


Lex, if you wanted to "take it offline", you should have kept it simple and said let's just agree to disagree. Not the above PM "tirade" (using your word) in Post #16 . Once again, you attack first, and then try to belittle the other person with the "I was only kidding dude..." routine.


You say you were kidding and it was only playful ribbing, I do not accept that excuse.


I considered your comments ("stick in the mud dude", "always need to seem to play the kurmugeon (sic) father or big brotha (sic) role", and stating that I provide information that "no one really asks for...") as way out of line. Even more so than you feel my replies were.


What makes it worse is your insults were unsolicited and offered for no reason. Mine were only in response to your attack. You began the attacks, that is the glaring difference here. Saying "I was only kidding" after the fact does not cut it. Maybe you should understand that.


The Internet is not private (even PM's). If an individual does not want to suffer embarrassment or ridicule, they should choose their words carefully. My providing your PM unedited (including my reply) as public information in a public forum says nothing about me. It is your words on display. If you say it, you better be ready to explain it. You had no promise of confidentiality from me. You sent me an insulting PM rant, and expected to keep it quiet? Simply put, no.


I can understand not having a meeting of the minds, that happens. You seem to have a need to criticize others needlessly. The proof is right here in this thread, posts #2 and #3. What was your need to criticize my answer, an answer that others in this very thread found useful? Instead of criticizing the answers of others (wrongly as it turns out), just add useful information of your own to the discussion.


You know Lex, I helped you with your X-Plan questions, and you even sent me E-mails of paperwork scans.


At that time, others were giving you a hard time. I tried to explain to you your mistakes and I defended you. Told you just let it die down and it would get better. I appreciated the position you were in as a new member, and you thanked me.


We discussed how easily the written word can be misinterpreted. Perhaps you should realize that your written "ribbing" and "tongue in cheek" barbs are not accepted as such. Those correspondence are still in my "Sent" and "Received" saved mails if you would like to re-read them.


Hey, can I or would I say you are necessarily a bad person because of all of this? No, anyone can change their attitude, after all we haven't murdered anyone here, just had cross words. Just take a moment to understand that if you read any of the posts where we have recently had cross words, they are when you incorrectly criticized me for helping others. That is not fair, and uncalled for.


I am more than willing to let it go and hold no grudges. Otherwise, it is just the Internet and life goes on. However, I do prefer to get along with people if they are willing.

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Lex, I have a proposition. We can agree to let this be water under the bridge. We can then go back and edit out all of our previous posts and comments. In fact, let's just wipe each post clean, starting with Post #3 (you should leave the helpful advice portion, which starts 2/3 off the way into the post, starting at "the consensus is 20%").


We can just wipe each following post clean and type in "EDITED".


If you agree you can start by eliminating post #3, and then we can take it from there post by post. Or, if you trust me, wipe your posts clean, then I will immediately wipe my posts clean (except for my first to "sonyguy19", and my one to "Craiger" with the Canadian Tint Laws).


I do not care for being unfairly insulted, but I am honest and will stick to my word. I will not leave you hanging. After all, if I/we do not follow through, I/we will have proven ourselves to be liars. Plus, we can always add the posts back, if one of us is dishonest.


In this way, we can try and start with a clean slate.


Also, in this way we will save everyone else from having to put up with us. And no, PM'ing is not an option. I have no desire to "banter" by PM, it will serve no purpose.


I consider this a fair and equitable proposition. I'm giving it the old college try, one more time. Let me know.



EDIT - May 1st! Happy May Day! It had been quite a while since I had checked (over a month and a half), but figured I would give a quick look. To this date it would seem the offer is not accepted. Want anyone interested to know that I keep my word, and I have checked to see if the offer was accepted and the offensive posts deleted. No joy. The olive branch still hangs there.

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Let's all slow down and mellow out here dudes!

You both have the right to post a reply to my questions(s).

I value both of your expertise and I hope we all can just live, learn & FORGET.


"its all good" :rockon:








Lex, I have a proposition. We can agree to let this be water under the bridge. We can then go back and edit out all of our previous posts and comments. In fact, let's just wipe each post clean, starting with Post #3. Just wipe each post clean and type in "EDITED".


If you agree you can start by eliminating post #3, and then we can take it from there post by post. Or, if you trust me, wipe your posts clean, then I will immediately wipe my posts clean (except for my first to "sonyguy19", and my one to "Craiger" with the Canadian Tint Laws).


I do not care for being unfairly insulted, but I am honest and will stick to my word. I will not leave you hanging. After all, if I/we do not follow through, I/we will have proven ourselves to be liars. Plus, we can always add the posts back, if one of us is dishonest.


In this way, we can try and start with a clean slate.


Also, in this way we will save everyone else from having to put up with us. And no, PM'ing is not an option. I have no desire to "banter" online or by PM, it will serve no purpose. Let's just drop it.


I consider this a fair and equitable proposition. I'm giving it the old college try, one more time. Let me know.

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Let's all slow down and mellow out here dudes!

You both have the right to post a reply to my questions(s).

I value both of your expertise and I hope we all can just live, learn & FORGET.


"its all good" :rockon:

I agree and I bbf2530 last post should be exercised. I think this has gotten a wee bit out of hand for all of us as this went off topic.


I understand where you are coming from bbf2530 but is still off topic.


Lets us all get along.



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