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Stumbling Idle - but only after getting gas


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I've got a 2016 AWD Edge Sport (2.7Turbo) with 60k miles. I've noticed a problem over the past several months - after putting gas in the car, the idle starts stumbling. It acts a lot like a vacuum leak, but ONLY ever appears when idling after putting in gas. Happens whether I put in a full tank, or a bit, whether the tank was nearly fully empty or if it was halfway or so full. It will sometimes continue at a stoplight after pulling out from the gas station, but after any driving further than that, I never notice any idle issues. This has happened with many different brands of gas, and octane ratings (I usually put in 93, but not exclusively). It seems like the stumbling has been getting more noticeable lately.


Any thoughts or advice would be greatly appreciated!

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I had the same issue on my 2016 Sport.  It would only happen when stopping the first few times after filling up...it acted like it was going to stall at stops.  I only run 93 octane in mine also.  Tried replacing the purge valve but issue continued.  So I took it to the dealer where a friend was a mechanic and he suspected it was purge valve until i explained that i already installed a new one...then he replaced the canister and problem is gone.  Now I don't know if you top off to get to the even dollar amount at the pump...which I used to but don't anymore.  Reason being is that will cause gas to somehow overflow into the canister which will make it cause issues 

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Thanks for the replies!


I replaced the purge valve just now - next day delivery at local auto parts store and super easy to replace. Hopefully that cures the issue, if not I’ll look into the canister. I don’t ever add extra gas to top it off. 

Could the bad purge valve also lead to an oily smell? I’ve noticed that sometimes when the car is warming up in the driveway, but haven’t found any sign of oil leaks. 


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