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Winter is here


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We had a semi bad snow storm that past couple of days. So, i worked from home & left the Edge parked in the drive.

I went out this morning ...in the 0 F temp...to shovel my Edge out of the drifts. When i hit remote start, the Edge sounded pretty tight but finally kicked in and started.

Wow, that was just 2 nights in sub zero temps and it's straining to start.


Do any of you Canadian's use the block heater?

And let's not leave out Choff. How do you keep your Edge warm in the Northern US.


BLOCK HEATERS!!!! plug in at 20! and heated garages. We had almost 3 weeks straight of sub zero in January and the car started great every time. Granted the only time it is outside for extended hours is at work not overnight. But that cold packed in snow and not a winterized car. not surprising to me. Block heaters come standard on cars here. Further north they even use engine blankets and you leave your car running while you grocery shop. brrrr

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BLOCK HEATERS!!!! plug in at 20! and heated garages. We had almost 3 weeks straight of sub zero in January and the car started great every time. Granted the only time it is outside for extended hours is at work not overnight. But that cold packed in snow and not a winterized car. not surprising to me. Block heaters come standard on cars here. Further north they even use engine blankets and you leave your car running while you grocery shop. brrrr

Ha! Winter is hell down in the lower 48 &.... what is a heated garage??

Edited by wilsons66604
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Haven't even tested the block heater on my MKX to make sure it works. Actually haven't plugged in any of my vehicles in the last 4 years, not because it isn't cold enough (-35C the other day) but because using synthetic oil has meant I never absolutely have too. Maybe if it hits -40.

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-40c! WOW (i did the math)

After checking the Sirius Travel Link Weather this morning, I don't think I'll need the block heater.. It's 250 degrees in Topeka now!


Being Canadian means I never get to see those Travel Link screens so that was interesting all by itself ... and the one great thing about Fahrenheit and Celsius is that -40 is still -40. Really bloody cold.

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Being Canadian means I never get to see those Travel Link screens so that was interesting all by itself ... and the one great thing about Fahrenheit and Celsius is that -40 is still -40. Really bloody cold.



I checked that conversion too - yep - we don't get a lot of -40 in Anchorage, but I know other parts of AK do. I think the worst we had at my house so far this winter was -16f. Pretty much after -10 it is just too damn cold.

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Our Sport has been performing exceptionally in all the snow we've gotten. A trip during an ice storm with fozen streets was the diciest driving i've done, but that was like driving on a hockey rink...and I still got to my destination safely. Dont think a second set of tires will be needed here in NJ, but if anyone is interested, Pirelli does make specific Snow/Ice tires in a 22" size to match our stock tires.


My Sport has been performing extremely well too! We got 8" of the white stuff yesterday; the whole city practically took a snow day. I just motored along to work like nobody's business. Even before the plows had done some of the streets I had no problem and I'm using the 22" that it came with. I'm not disappointed with the performance of these tires at all!

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