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Sirius Travellink Weather tip

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With all the general problems and complaining I thought I would share an interesting discovery I made on my system the other day. It seemed to be slightly hidden and undocumented so I thought maybe someone with MFT would find it useful.


Under the Sirius Travellink stuff there is a fairly nifty weather map feature (also accessible via the voice command "Weather Map"). By default it comes on at a 50 mile setting which is nice, but the neat thing is if you touch the screen you can zoom in to a 5 mile setting (those seem to be the only 2 zoom settings it has). On the 5 mile setting it will also display the major highways in your area, along with traffic of those major roads! 2 useful pieces of information on one screen, along with a moving arrow of where you are now.


It would be even cooler if the map would pan to keep your vehicle in the center of the screen, as it is if you don't manually refresh it you will eventually see your arrow drive off the edge of the screen. But still a neat and useful feature, especially for those of use in the non-smartphone camp that are easily impressed. :-)

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