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New Member from Iowa


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Hi All. Will be picking up a 2011 Edge Limited FWD in Kona Blue tomorrow. This will be my second Ford. First was a Pinto, so it's been awhile. Coming off a 2007 GMC Sierra 4x4, so it's going to be a culture shock, but I'm looking forward to all the technology that Ford has put into this vehicle.


What sold me on looking to Ford for my next vehicle, is that I feel Ford stood on it's own during this recession, refusing to take a handout, and has continued to bring new concepts, improved safety, better engineering, and advanced product enhancements to the market. At the same time, GM has cut it's lineup, and dished out basically the same tired offerings. Simply no excitement from the General.


Basically looking to see what's been done to personalize your Edge, what's worked, what has not. I'm interested in hardwiring my Bel, adding a trailer hitch, and I'm sure I'll have some questions as time goes on.

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