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unexpected mileage drop (3-5mpg)


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My wife's Edge usually averages about 21-21mpg in the city with her normal driving habits. The past month or so her MPG (and when i drive it too) has been around 18mpg. I checked to be sure the tire pressure was correct, added a bottle of fuel system cleaner in one fillup and some ISOheet during the next fillup and it still hasn't improved. The only thing done around the time the MPG dropped was a change in the air filter which was suggested during the most recent oil change. The outside temp has dropped from 50s to the 30s-40s, but that shouldn't cause this kind of drop, should it? Any other thoughts to check?


Thanks in advance...

Edited by robbm2k
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  • 10 months later...

Also, Edge's are known for averaging around 18 mpg overall. That mpg in the 20s before could have just been a fluke (car computer was off) mine always is...says I get 20 mpg while I only get 18.9 mpg...that may be it also but I do agree with others that the fuel is probably a reason and the engine taking longer to heat up and uses more fuel is another reason

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