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Posts posted by MrHappy

  1. if you could see all these problems, why did you buy the car then?


    I would have to ask the same. All of these are visible from a simple walk around/inspection with the exception of the roof which any service dept should be able to fix. This post sounds a bit suspicious to me talking about the "hot wheels" rims and all these obvious defects yet you purchased the vehicle anyway. Hey, whatever I guess. We're quite happy with ours for the most part as are many others. The MFT is vastly improved with the latest update and will continue to improve IMO. New tech is just that.

  2. Another point. Wait for the Nav system to load after starting the engine. Yes, takes close to a minute, but eliminates annoying Nav fault errors and other interesting gremlins. You'll need to watch the MFT display for loading complete message.


    I started my engine today and immediately drove off. MFT popped a SD card fault because I didn't wait for the Nav system to finish loading.



    Excellent point, The only reboots we've had is when we didn't let it finish loading before heading out into reverse from the garage. (Takes 30 secs maybe after startup, minute tops)

  3. My guess is the website checks your VIN and provides the correct install cabs based on what it's reported as being already installed (which is why it requests you tell it after you're done so it can update accordingly). That way they only need cab files for certain configs and can dole the same ones out accordingly vs having to pack and create a new package on the fly when requested. Much easier this way but then again, that doesn't mean that's the route they took :)

  4. Ours paused on file 4 of 7 (after the first reboot completed the first 4 of then 11) for a LONG time. We thought it froze so I ejected it and cancelled. We shut down the car and then restarted, inserted and away we went again and just left it running with the doors locked. About 30-45 mins later I came out and caught the end of the service pack install and it was done. Plugging it in online reported success of 2.11 install so I'd say download it fresh to a drive, use the top usb port then let it sit because it will, with no activity for a LONG time.


    Haven't had time to mess with it yet but the quick test to see if the bluetooth issue with my crappy Samsung Saga is fixed (it's not btw) seemed to have much better response times. We'll see...

  5. Going to get the nerve up and install the update to 2.11 from current 2.3 and will let everyone know if it makes a difference. Otherwise the system has been stable for us aside of some pauses and sluggishness here and there. Well, that and our stupid Samsung Saga's won't make/receive calls without sounding totally garbled. They pair great and transfer info perfectly though. lol

  6. We do in NE Ohio in the snow belt. I was worried about the 22s but honestly, it goes as well as our 07 AWD with the 18s went if not better. You want to make sure in VERY deep stuff to poke the stacked snow out when you arrive and break just a LITTLE sooner (I am being picky, fyi) but overall I've been thrilled with it. Seriously the only thing I think that is not an improvement over our 07 AWD is the wet breaking and it's just a TOUCH worse due to the 22s and harder rubber. Our Sport is an AWD btw.

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