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Everything posted by Davom97

  1. No, 3.6 does not come with a new Nav card because you do not need one. Your current Nav card will work just fine with 3.6.
  2. Glad it's not just me. I've been thinking since the update that the Sync system is learning all over again how I say words and names.
  3. Ok, I actually did this on my way home tonight. This is a nice change. Kudos Ford! I am also liking how quick everything loads on start up including the Bluetooth connection of my phone.
  4. If 3.6 has larger corners, I haven't noticed them. I'm not quite sure what you mean though.
  5. Yup, just did a Master Reset. The good news is it seems to have fixed the Text Alert issue. "Text to Speech" alert is also working like a charm. Went back to see if sending a contacts address to the nav was possible, but it is not. I'm going to assume they didn't even address that in this update now. I would recommend that you all do a Master Reset after you update to 3.6. Peace,
  6. Thank you sir. Am I correct in that if I do a Master Reset I'll lose all my backgrounds, nav favorite destinations and nav previous destinations? I might do it anyway hoping it might fix my text alert issues. Let me know. Peace, DM
  7. Yup, all good on those fronts. The HTC One only has a few settings under Bluetooth and one of the advanced settings is simply a checkbox called "Message Access" on or off. It is on and it was before the MFT update. The phone's other two BT settings are Phone Audio & Music Audio and they are both checked. Text alerts are still not working though. Peace,
  8. drpepper - That's interesting. My Outlook contacts do in fact have "United States of America" in the address section. I may remove that from one and see what happens tomorrow morning. What you are describing with the option being there yet not functional is exactly what I'm seeing, so maybe they didn't even touch that part of the software code. I may have never noticed it before. I definitely never tried to use it before. I have tried several more times to get the text alert to work and it just isn't working. Before the update it worked about 75% of the time for me, but now the only time it has worked is when I had several unread text messages on my phone already and then fired up the car. The Sync lady said "You have new text messages." But driving around tonight, my wife was in the passenger seat texting me several times and no alert occurred which includes sound, Sync lady, &the pop up window. None of them happened. I tried changing the alert choices and still nada. My phone is the HTC One. teknowiz - Let us know if your Master reset fixes anything with the clock. Peace, DM
  9. Ok, I tested this on my way home today and the option is there through the phone menu when selecting a contact to set their address as a destination. For whatever reason, when I would do that (I tried my own address) it would say "Invalid Street Address" and wouldn't take. I don't know why. I use Outlook 2010 and the whole address is in there. The sad irony is there is no way through the Nav menu to grab a destination off the phonebook. BUT, it can be done through the phone menu theoretically. I just can't get it to work, but I only tried two addresses. I haven't noticed anything yet, but on the settings for the rear view backup camera, the options have been combined. No longer can you select either alerts or guidelines separately. They have been combined now as one option along with delay as the second option on that screen, so it looks like a feature has been removed, but it actually is still there. Not a big deal. More to come...
  10. I did manually fix it, but I didn't do a master reset. Thank you in advance for letting us know if that works. A master reset would delete all my backgrounds & nav destinations and I don't want to redo that if I don't have to. Peace, DM
  11. It was the first thing I noticed about the new update, but I forgot to mention it. Baffling that they could miss that. No Applink. No direct input of lat / long. Well, let's put it this way: I haven't easily found it if it's there. Haven't tested contact addresses, but I will this afternoon.
  12. Tested the text notification system on my way in to work this morning. Was hoping for "Text to Speech" to be resolved, but got nothing. Didn't work at all. Hands free phone call went just fine though.
  13. All done. Seems to work well and is a bit snappier in terms of response. All my radio presets, nav favorites, nav previous destinations & sound settings were still there. My phone paired immediately, but I haven't checked a text yet. Took my iPod about 4 minutes to index (3100+ songs) and then about 3 more minutes to build commands. Tested the voice prompts to do "Play Album ___ " and all seems to work fine. All my album artwork displayed for what I tested. BTW, the Wi-Fi keyboard has been redone and is working. Peace, DM
  14. Update screen is back. Now at 10% and counting. Relief.
  15. Sorry, I got the file. Updating mine now and it is on a black screen.
  16. I just checked and the website is down, so I'm curious, how big is the file? Peace, DM
  17. To quote Kirk in Star Trek II as he responds to Khan's statement that he is in no position to demand anything... "I see your point." Keep that info coming. I don't need to know the source. Peace, DM
  18. Well, it's not. That's why I asked my question. Waldo, I'd still love an answer when you have a moment. Peace, DM
  19. Waldo, where did you get to see this new version? Curious. Peace, DM
  20. I have the HTC One (& love the phone), but text message indications are wildly inconsistent with MFT. The good news is they were wildly inconsistent with my previous HTC Design 4G. I'm on 3.5.1 of MFT and in the long history of updates some updates have made text messaging better, some have made them worse. Bottom line: I think it is a safe bet it's not our phones. It's MFT. Shocking, I know. Peace, DM
  21. Not an official date. Back on May 17 in another thread here, I mentioned the first unconfirmed rumor that I had seen that we will get a new update in August: http://fordstnation.com/focus-st-interior/5502-new-myford-touch-thing-very-strange.html See post #10. Peace, DM
  22. "Auto" only screws up for me when it is really hot outside. When the temp is above 90 degrees, it pretty consistently won't blow hard no matter how far I drop the temp. Crazy that when I need it most, it's not there for me.
  23. Looks like my hunch may have been correct and the update mentioned above is not just for the Focus: http://www.engadget.com/2013/06/17/ford-to-balance-myford-touch-with-old-fashioned-buttons/ From the article:
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