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Stiff Brake Pedal

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Started having a problem with my 11 Edge Ltd AWD with 33k miles. I have had no braking problems at all. Now, when I go to start on the brake to start the engine, the pedal is noticeably stiff. I have to apply way more than just a touch disengage the engine/brake interlock. Before this started happening, all I had to do was tap the brake pedal and hit the start button. Now I have to press down forceably on the brake pedal. I don't really notice any issues after the engine starts but am worried it is a bigger issue. The warranty is close to expiring. Anyone with similar issues? Would appreciate any information.

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I just had the exact same thing start happening on my 13 SEL. Normally when I go to start the engine, a slight press on the brake pedal moves it down an inch or so and the vehicle starts. At least half a dozen times in the last month when I go to start the vehicle, pressing on the brake pedal is like stepping on a brick. Doesn't move at all. Vehicle still starts but concerning just the same.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I just had the dealership fix this issue on my 2012 edge. It was the brake booster. Replaced under warranty. Not safe to drive and it will likely keep getting worse until you have it fixed. I noticed that it was worst at low speeds either breaking while in reverse or in slow stop and go traffic

Edited by Polecatt
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  • 3 months later...

I reported this problem with 33k miles on my 11 Ltd. The problem waxed and waned. I never reported it to the dealer because it seemed to resolve itself. Now, several months later, the problem is back and I had no problem replicating it to the dealer. Took it in today and the dealer said it was the brake booster and ordered a new one. I do have the extended warranty but will cost me $100 deductible. Lesson learned (again).

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