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Korea Explored


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**Warning** Way off topic


So I thought I would let y'all know what I have been up too while I'm waiting for my Edge to arrive. We have started traveling Korea and I started a new YouTube channel called Korea Explored!


It's a channel for people who might not be in Korea but want to see what it's like, or for people who are in Korea and want to find places to see/explore. There are no opinions and no chit-chat. Just video on what you would see if you went to the places we take you.


Check out some of our videos and subscribe if you like!




Here are some of our latest videos:





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The video of the Lantern Festival was amazing! Some if not all of those are true pieces of art. My wife and I have seen the Lantern exhibit set up during the Texas State Fair, but this is several levels way above that!


Thanks for sharing, I will check out some of the other videos you have posted. Are you involved in the production of these vids, or are you finding them and posting them? Just curious.

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Great idea, thanks for putting it out there! Hope your Edge arrives "any day now", though, so we get to see it included along with the family :)


Oh man, I hope it gets here soon too. I can't wait to get behind the wheel of an Edge again!


The video of the Lantern Festival was amazing! Some if not all of those are true pieces of art. My wife and I have seen the Lantern exhibit set up during the Texas State Fair, but this is several levels way above that!


Thanks for sharing, I will check out some of the other videos you have posted. Are you involved in the production of these vids, or are you finding them and posting them? Just curious.


I'm glad to share! It has been fun. I am the sole creator of all of these videos. My technique is getting better the more I film. But I film, direct, edit, and produce the videos. If you enjoy them enough, please subscribe. We have tons more content on the way.


Side note, I'm from Dallas too!

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KBS is one of my fav channels. When we had started watching it, they had a lot of family dramas, historical dramas, and the unforgettable "2 Days, 1 Night" fun/adventure show. Been a while since we watched it now ...


Oh yeah, I love KBS too. That show has changed a lot since we a while ago. All the original famous people are gone and have been replaced. Not as fun as it used to be. All those singers and actors have moved to a new show called Running Man. Which is my current favorite show.


Cellbine: What do you use for your videos and editing?


For special effects, I use After Effects. I just finished creating a simple intro to my videos, which you can see in the Seoul Lantern festival video I posted above, with AE. I needed an intro, so I just made that one to start off. It will evolve into something better later when I can work on it more.


For splicing and throwing scenes together, I use iMovie. A few years back I bought into the whole "apple is better and editing videos and photos" thing. The truth is, at that time the only thing apple really was better at was making an amazing display. All the editing software that professionals use are 3rd party programs that you have to buy. They are all the same programs you use on a PC. So I should have bought a PC and saved my money. Lessons learned. I still have and use my Mac because I have grown used to it and have most of my media on it.


I will say that, from what I believe, Macs have better built-in products. Their default video editor blows windows movie maker out of the water, etc.

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