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Wrecked...in my own driveway...pathetic!


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So, here we are just a little less than a month into owning this used (18,000 mile) 2010 Ford Edge Limited in Dark Ink Blue Metallic. I parked the Edge right at the "edge" of our garage (outside) to open the tailgate and unload our power washer from the back. I close the hatch after vacuuming out the back. I reopen it a few minutes later to place bungee cords back in, jump into the front seat, start the vehicle and back up while hearing this AWFUL NOISE! IMMEDIATE BRAKE! Realizing my shear stupidity and my complete lapse in brain power, I yelled many expletives after immediately stopping. I close the hatch while in the driver's seat and proceed to backup. After all, my neighbors were outside and if they saw this, I was not up for sharing this most embarrassing and upsetting moment. I go inside the house, cry (not typically a very emotional woman) and then go back to assess the damage. While the automatic hatch still closes, there is clearly enough damage that the back panel may have to be replaced and if there is any damage to the frame (there is a little excess tightness to the hatch closing) the entire hatch may have to be replaced. Then again, I am no body shop expert. I was not backing up quickly but was so close to the garage while backing up that the top of the hatch was dented in from the garage frame and the paint is chipped. These women drivers are dangerous, gentlemen, you are right! Tell ya what, this kind of thing happens because I'm constantly moving in fast motion trying to accomplish the next thing on my list (the cost of efficiency or is it inefficiency?) while my 2 girls are in school and my husband is at work. Guess I better sloooooow down. Gotta take the Edge to the body shop next week. So terribly disappointed with myself. :-(

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Things happen, what can you do. No one was hurt, that's what matters the most. Years ago, I had to go into work super early, to set up for an I.T. class I was giving. Well, the night before, for some reason, my wife parked on my side of the garage, so I took her side. The next morning, I went into the garage,

was still half asleep ( 5:30 am ), hit the button for my door, and got into my car that was parked on HER side. Started the car, forgot the door on my side opened, not her side where my car was parked, and backed part way through the door. Now that was really a dumb ass move on my part, but that's how stupid things happen. Hope my story makes you feel better, we all make dumb mistakes.


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See, even us guys do stupid things. Last year I backed my F150 with an ARE cap halfway into the garage. I opened the tailgate and the one piece window on the cap to unload my wife's luggage after coming home from the airport. I carried her bags into the house and went back out to finish putting the truck away. I closed the tailgate but for some reason left the window open.


I backed the rest of the way into the garage, and BAM, loud noise and flying glass everywhere. That sucker just exploded when it hit the rear wall. $650.00 later for just the glass replacement, and I'm still finding little pieces of dark tinted glass behind things in the garage. If the tailgate had been down, it might have put a hole into the back way so it could have been even more expensive.

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Back in '08 I had an Explorer. I was also in a rush and had a lot going on that day. I just finished vacuuming my car in the garage and was going to pull out in the drive way to wash it. So I jump in the driver's seat, place left hand on the wheel, right hand on the passenger seat, and look back over my shoulder as I reversed. After hearing a loud noise while backing up, i realized that I left the driver's door open and it got caught on the wall the garage door closes. I bent it to at least 90 degrees. Had to replace the hinges and fix the door. Felt really embarrassed as well.


Don't feel so bad, this happens even with the best intensions. I bet you won't do it again though =)

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