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Instruments Panel drains Battery (2008 SEL)

Cesar F

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Hi everyone, I'm new in this forum.


I own a 2008 Ford Edge SEL.


I'm having issues with a battery drain that occurs while the car is parked and the ignition is OFF.


I charged the battery (slow charge of 3 amps) during the weekend and tested the alternator on Monday.


Both battery and alternator are OK.


Then, with a multimeter, I tested every fuse, under the hood and inside the driver's compartment.


I'm having a reading of 0.7 amps (car parked, ignition OFF, every door closed, etc) with every fuse of the car connected, BUT it goes down to 0.01 amps when I disconnect fuses #5 and #26.


Both of them have something to do with the instruments panel.


So, does anyone knows if the instruments panel has a relay that I could take a look at and/or can point out what else can I do to solve this.


Thanks in advance!

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