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Really Need Help with Weird Suspension Issue

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2013 Edge SE  175,000 Last month i purchased new loaded strut assemblies and installed them on front of the vehicle. A few days later i took a 3 hour drive to Dallas and 3 hours back. No issue with car at all. Then it seems like the next day a strange issue developed. The car feels like the drivers side is going up and down like over a speed bump and i can feel it under my feet. Its so bad the car violently shakes at 50 miles an hour. The seats shake, the steering wheel and things in trunk area are shaking. Imagine a table where one of the legs is way too short. Now rock it back and forth or side to side. Thats what the car does, it shakes left and right and up and down. Its almost like theres a big lump in the tire, Things i have done:

Replace both front control arms
Replace both front sway bar links

Replace drivers side CV axle

New front tires and wheels balanced.


Im thinking possibly the camber is really off so im going to install an adjustable camber bolt on drivers side. But IDK if its possible for the camber to be that bad to cause this issue and why it would just all of a sudden happen. Maybe the front driver side strut/spring went bad?

Edited by atdi2113
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I'm guessing something wasn't tightened properly or one of the new parts already failed.  I would start by checking the strut pinch bolts and upper mount bolts. Have someone watch the strut assembly while you bounce each side.  Also, read about diagnosing a bad shock with the bounce test.

Edited by fishx65
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