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Remote Start


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Got mine installed at the Dealer. If they do muck it up they will fix it. I have found out that if you do it

yourself, or have an aftermarket store do it, the first time you have electrical problems the Dealer will

say you caused them. Of course this was GM, so maybe Ford is different but who knows.

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  • 2 months later...
Got mine installed at the Dealer. If they do muck it up they will fix it. I have found out that if you do it

yourself, or have an aftermarket store do it, the first time you have electrical problems the Dealer will

say you caused them. Of course this was GM, so maybe Ford is different but who knows.



Same with Ford... My father in law works at a ford dealership over here and he told me that too, bcuz i was goin to get a after market remote start done cuz is cheaper but when i heard that i have to go tru ford.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Just to for-warn you the one that gets installed at a dealership is actually made by an aftermarket company. They just tell you the electrical bs and warranty crap to get you to buy theirs and they tron in a 36000 x 36 month warranty. They use the same wiring, same connections as an aftermarket. There is a law against dealerships not giving warranty work if its not directly related to the aftermarket remote start. Its the magnusson/moss act. Not to mention an aftermarket one will give you lots more range (even over fords 2-way unit), extra channels to add different functions (mine personally can opperate both heated seats independently, rear defrost, and hatch release. None of the ford ones will do all that. with up to 1 mile of range).

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Horse hockey dealer will say that but they cant do it any more, just there strong arm for them trying to get you to use the stealership idiots who dont know how to install there products. I do most ford dealers in the area remote starts for them including the factory ford ones.


Magnuson - Moss Warranty Act

Edited by securinu
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