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Here is the fix for all audio system volume issues!

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I am making the assumption that I was not the only person that was confused by all of this. If so I appologize for starting this topic.


For the longest time I have been competely baffled by volume issues with the MFT system. I've read the online owner's manual several times and it really didn't help.


My issues were, I could adjust the radio while it was playing music via the volume knob on the radio, but other audio sources (phones calls via bluetooth, voice prompts from the system, and in particular the navigation voice) were all at different levels. In particular the navigation voice seemed to have NO way to adjust it at all. There is a listed voice command called "navigation voice volume decrease" but every time I attempted that it seemed to just be lowering the regular voice system volume, but then navigation prompts would come on again and blast me out of the car.


Here is the secret: The system is comprised of 4 different sections (entertainment source, bluetooth phone calls, voice prompts, navigation prompts), and each one is adjusted individually via either the rotory volume knob (or the volume adjustment on the steering wheel). But you have to do your adjustment right at the moment that said "source" is in control of the audio system! So to adjust the phone, you have to turn the knob while you are on a phone call. To adjust the navigation prompts, you have to turn the knob right in the middle of a direction. Etc, etc. Each one seems to store it's own volume level. And for the life of me, I have never found a way via the menu system to adjust either the phone volume or the navigation voice volume without doing it the way I describe. Honestly, I don't think there is any other way to do it.


Hopefully this helps someone out. I know I had personally come to dread using my nav as it was so loud and I couldn't figure out how to turn it down. Maybe I'm just dense, but it wasn't overly intuitive to me.

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I am making the assumption that I was not the only person that was confused by all of this. If so I appologize for starting this topic.


For the longest time I have been competely baffled by volume issues with the MFT system. I've read the online owner's manual several times and it really didn't help.


My issues were, I could adjust the radio while it was playing music via the volume knob on the radio, but other audio sources (phones calls via bluetooth, voice prompts from the system, and in particular the navigation voice) were all at different levels. In particular the navigation voice seemed to have NO way to adjust it at all. There is a listed voice command called "navigation voice volume decrease" but every time I attempted that it seemed to just be lowering the regular voice system volume, but then navigation prompts would come on again and blast me out of the car.


Here is the secret: The system is comprised of 4 different sections (entertainment source, bluetooth phone calls, voice prompts, navigation prompts), and each one is adjusted individually via either the rotory volume knob (or the volume adjustment on the steering wheel). But you have to do your adjustment right at the moment that said "source" is in control of the audio system! So to adjust the phone, you have to turn the knob while you are on a phone call. To adjust the navigation prompts, you have to turn the knob right in the middle of a direction. Etc, etc. Each one seems to store it's own volume level. And for the life of me, I have never found a way via the menu system to adjust either the phone volume or the navigation voice volume without doing it the way I describe. Honestly, I don't think there is any other way to do it.


Hopefully this helps someone out. I know I had personally come to dread using my nav as it was so loud and I couldn't figure out how to turn it down. Maybe I'm just dense, but it wasn't overly intuitive to me.



Android phones are set up this way,Different volumes for Navigation, Phone, Music, Alerts, Alarms, Notifications, SMS notifications.



.... so, I guess I was lucky that it seems intuitive. I just wish the system prompt voice was easier to quickly change.

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I am making the assumption that I was not the only person that was confused by all of this. If so I appologize for starting this topic.


Here is the secret: The system is comprised of 4 different sections (entertainment source, bluetooth phone calls, voice prompts, navigation prompts), and each one is adjusted individually via either the rotory volume knob (or the volume adjustment on the steering wheel). But you have to do your adjustment right at the moment that said "source" is in control of the audio system! So to adjust the phone, you have to turn the knob while you are on a phone call. To adjust the navigation prompts, you have to turn the knob right in the middle of a direction. Etc, etc. Each one seems to store it's own volume level. And for the life of me, I have never found a way via the menu system to adjust either the phone volume or the navigation voice volume without doing it the way I describe. Honestly, I don't think there is any other way to do it.


Hopefully this helps someone out. I know I had personally come to dread using my nav as it was so loud and I couldn't figure out how to turn it down. Maybe I'm just dense, but it wasn't overly intuitive to me.


I found this out by accident by going to turn down the radio when I started a phone call (old habit)...

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I recently found out the same, but never posted because I wondered how do I write this up so everyone could understand it? Thanks for eloquently providing a simple procedure.

I'm just glad I wasn't the only person that was stumped by this one. Honestly, unless I missed it I don't think this is really explained in any of the owner's manuals, but maybe I missed it?

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I'm just glad I wasn't the only person that was stumped by this one. Honestly, unless I missed it I don't think this is really explained in any of the owner's manuals, but maybe I missed it?


Thanks for posting this. I too had figured it out while using the phone one day. And you're right, it is NOT in the manuals. I've read them several times.

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I'm just glad I wasn't the only person that was stumped by this one. Honestly, unless I missed it I don't think this is really explained in any of the owner's manuals, but maybe I missed it?


Thanks for posting this. I too had figured it out while using the phone one day. And you're right, it is NOT in the manuals. I've read them several times.

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I'm just glad I wasn't the only person that was stumped by this one. Honestly, unless I missed it I don't think this is really explained in any of the owner's manuals, but maybe I missed it?



You probably didn't miss it.


As I read the manual, I notice that it "describes" more than "explains". It tells you things you can visually detect yourself most of the time instead of the logic behind it. For example, it tells you that you can set the fuel economy graphs to 5 mins, 10 mins or 30 mins... Well... duh... I can see that those are my only 3 choices. But it should tell you that 5 mins is not each bar, but all the bars combined equal 5 mins. So on the 5 min setting, each bar represents 1 minutes.


Its that type of stuff that makes people not reference the manual.

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