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Everything posted by Brucifer

  1. A man and woman were recently celebrating their 50th wedding anniversary. While cutting the cake, the wife was moved after seeing her husband’s eyes fill with tears. The wife took his arm, and looked at him affectionately.“I never knew you were so sentimental.” she whispered. “No . . . No . . .” he said, choking back his tears, “That’s not it at all. Remember when your father found us in the barn and told me to either marry you or spend the next 50 years in jail?” “Yes,” the wife replied. “I remember it like yesterday.” “Well,” said the husband, “Today I would have been a free man.” A husband and wife were celebrating 50 years of marriage with a big anniversary party. At one point they were toasted, then asked what it’s like to be married for 50 years. The husband, with moist eyes, replied, “It all seems like five minutes.... under water.” HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!
  2. That is not the usual Dealership Bone....
  3. Wasn't trying to scare you. I had a similar situation with my same year Edge. Tranny always gave me issues, then finally gave up the ghost and it was 5k to replace. Still owe a little bit on it, but it would of been worthless without a works trans. I was just saying if the transmission was sitting on the floor somewhere, now would be the time to do any preventive maintenance, but I fully understand a budget.
  4. I'll just have to throw my $.02 in here about the transmission. Like Iggy said, if you are planning to keep the car for a couple of years, put the money into it. Not sure how your tranny worked before, but if it is out, now would be a good time to check the TSS and OSS and maybe even the valve body. That would complete your drive train.
  5. https://parts.ford.com/shop/en/us/sensor-turbine-shaft-speed-tss-7854831-1 TSS - DY1241
  6. Being that your best bet is replacing them with FoMoCo parts, your local dealer should have the numbers. This far into a tranny is not where you want to go cheap. Depending on your issues, be sure to give the solenoid valve body a long, hard look. Once again, as long as you have it all apart.... Also, not to put too many thoughts into your head: http://www.fordedgeforum.com/topic/20525-2007-sel-transmission-issues/
  7. After a certain age, you don't trust a fart of any kind.
  8. The first tranny developed a crack in the bell housing during shipping, so it was replaced. In the time it took to get the next one out, there were 12 updates to the software. It is supposed to update all the powertrain software. Haven't seen too many positive reviews of Jasper's, but the internet is a cold and unforgiving place.
  9. Nothing sexy like a turbo-tune or a plastic-wrapped grill, but got a new Jasper's tranny today (remanufactured). $3,400k for the slushbox and another Grand for R&R. Out the door for $5k. Have 3 year/100k warranty with the bump that covers all labor if something goes wrong in the meantime. 159k on the clock, but if I can break 200 before anything goes wrong, I think it will be worth it. Still in learning mode, so I'll report back in 500 miles or so.
  10. Brucifer

    Shop manuals

    EBay. Prices will be somewhat random, but a complete set of paper books will be in the $60 range. Bargains can be had.
  11. Had a quick chat with the mechanic today. Apparently, there are 6 transmission varieties for my Edge/engine and Jasper's don't have it on the shelf. So they are building one up. He'll check on an ETA tomorrow. Mine is the third tranny he has ordered in the last week (other makes and models). Either this is going to be the bestest transmission ever, or a shop lift queen.
  12. Dropped it off at the shop today for some R&R. I should have an ETA tomorrow.
  13. Whelp, it looks like it has finally puked up the ghost. Slight drip was getting worse and now I have a good sized puddle running off under the trans. It was dripping heavily the day before and it seems that it was coming from under a plastic cover on the passenger side of the unit. There is a good chance I had overfilled it; could this be a result of that, or did a main seal type thing blow out? Haven't started it. Need to get on the horn to the mechanic to see what the timetable would be.
  14. Poor enigma. 17 posts and no ice cream.
  15. That's what we called it when we had a Big Wheel. Though I always liked my Crazy Car better:
  16. I remember that, but I'm old.
  17. You will be the most popular house this summer: https://www.amazon.com/SaniServ-Countertop-Soft-Serve-Machine/dp/B004W6QYL2/ref=sr_1_2?s=kitchen&ie=UTF8&qid=1523704132&sr=1-2&refinements=p_n_feature_five_browse-bin%3A5616183011%2Cp_n_feature_keywords_two_browse-bin%3A6792749011 https://www.goodhousekeeping.com/appliances/ice-cream-maker-reviews/ https://www.bestconsumerreviews.com/ice-cream-maker-reviews/ Ice cream, like speed, is just a matter of money.
  18. I would think it's the relearning process. I grounded out my battery to reset everything once and my normally bad shifting was even worse for a time. Can't say how long it will take, but it should smooth out.
  19. From what I understand, rotors don't warp from heat, but rather pad material that sticks to the rotor when applied for longer periods while extremely hot and stationary. The 'warp'is the pad passing over the smooth and rough areas of the rotor. I imagine these areas appear as high and low spots when spun.
  20. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01N1V17BA/ref=psdc_3152433011_t5_B009C9PA96
  21. That's my theory, too, as well as if I did them one at a time, I will have forgotten what I did the first time around. So much easier to have the other side of the vehicle to look at as a reference point as well as remembering that taking this bolt out first and prying 'here' is better retained in the span of 15 minutes as opposed to months. Still have all my new brakes sitting in their boxes. Just trying to get the CC under control before the new transmission.
  22. Forget maple surple. Go full blackstrap molasses! Poured about half the bottle in and did a freeway run. Meh. on the improvement - still some shudder. Could of been low-ish fluid. Cut the tip off (just the tip), and stuck it into the filler tube. Stabbed the backside with a knife and went about doing some other chores (engine was running). Talk about 140w. Couple of laps around the block to stir the pot. Will have to see how things go in the morning when it's as ice cold as it can be in March in Mississippi. Seems like the leak stopped.
  23. Had the OSS and TSS changed out by the dealership about 6 months ago with no improvement in shifting. In the last month I've developed a leak from the front cover. I this point I am strongly thinking of doing a complete R&R with a re-manufactured tranny. Could be valve body, could be bands, so rather than nickle and dimeing myself (i.e. hundred dollar nickles and thousand dollar dimes), it might be better to bite the bullet and get something with a warranty. Both the dealership and the local mechanic rough quoted the same price -$5000. Any suggestions as to which one you would use? Local wrench has always done good work for me and would be using a Jasper's tranny. Warranty would be about the same with 3 years each; unlimited miles on the dealer, 100k on Jaspers (neither which I will drive in three years). In the meantime, any suggestions as to dealing with the leak? At this point, pouring in just about anything won't hurt, but if I can get another 6 months or so of savings built up. Since it was made in Canada, I'm thinking maple syrup. I have some robust stuff, but it was made in upstate New York and may not be compatible. I topped it off recently with some Lucas conditioner and not sure if the juu-juu or the higher fluid level made things better. I know $5k is a lot to put into an 11yo car with 160k on the clock, but if I can get another 5 years out of it, that might/sort/kinda not sound as bad as a yearly cost. Not to mention the $800 in new tires a couple of months ago and the $300 in brakes I have sitting on a shelf. Another used car could be another can of worms. 5 grand is a lot less than a new vehicle (also....dog hair). tl;dr Dealer or local for transmission swap at same cost? Any additive to help with leaking gasket in the meantime? Thanks.
  24. Brucifer


    Jenna Jameson instead? https://www.ebay.com/itm/Jenna-Jameson-Collectors-Edition-Porn-Star-Bobble-Head-by-Video-Age-/322458083366
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