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Iphone 3 Bluetooth Internet Tethering Tutorial

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I couldn't find anything like this when I wanted to set up my wife's phone, so I figured I would post what I learned to maybe help someone else out.




From the Home Screen Push Menu


Select the Settings tab and choose Wireless & Internet


Select Wi-Fi Settings


Ensure the Wi-Fi Network (Client) Mode is ON

Ensure the Gateway (Access Point) Mode is ON

Select Gateway (Access Point) Settings


Select a name for your network and security protection and write your Security Key down.

Click Apply before leaving.


Select Bluetooth Settings


Ensure Bluetooth is ON

Select Internet Data Connection


PAN needs to be selected.

Query works on any of the three settings, set as needed.

Back out to Wireless & Internet


Select Prioritize Connection Methods


Set Bluetooth Phone to FIRST in the list.


You are now done with the SYNC setup. Next, off to your iPhone. :happy feet:

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Select Settings


Select General


Ensure Bluetooth is ON

Select Network


Scroll down to Internet Tethering and select.


Ensure tethering is ON.

Exit out off all menus and you are set.

Let your phone connect to Sync


Look for the Internet Tethering Bar to show up on your iphone. You can now connect your laptop, touch or anything (but the iphone you are using for the internet connection)

Edited by olftboy
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I've thought about going through these steps but can't find a reason why I would want to put Sync into the mix.

My iPhone is a HotSpot so if I want to connect devices, I'll just have them connect to the iPhone.


Am I missing something here?


Eventually, when the browser and SYNC apps are available, this will be more useful.


As of now, its good to know that this works (at least on iOS) . I was under the impression it still needed Sync development.

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  • 3 months later...

Tethering cost money on many phones. If you tether thru the Sync system it is free.

Straight tethering with sprint is fairly expensive.


When you tether thru the sync system you are tethering Sync to your phone, so it's the same thing. You're still using your phone to provide internet access and that's going to cost you on most plans with most carriers.

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When you tether thru the sync system you are tethering Sync to your phone, so it's the same thing. You're still using your phone to provide internet access and that's going to cost you on most plans with most carriers.

No, when you tether through the phone instead of using the hotspot option, the network sees the data activity as coming from the phone, itself, not an external device. No charge. I used to do it with my Palm phone.

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No, when you tether through the phone instead of using the hotspot option, the network sees the data activity as coming from the phone, itself, not an external device. No charge. I used to do it with my Palm phone.


Tethering means using your phone's internet connection with other devices, whether that device is sync or a laptop or other device.


Most carriers charge extra for tethering. I have an unlimited iphone plan with AT&T (grandfathered). If I add tethering (for an extra fee) I have to switch to the 2 gb limited data plan.


I'm sure with some plans you can get tethering for free though.

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