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Everything posted by Tjm623

  1. LOL, at least you have a sense of humor about it!
  2. The pictures are in half of threads you frequent telling people their lights look bad after doing the mod. I'm not going to search through them to find them all.
  3. Ok, thanks for clarification. I have not had such an issue then. Good luck trying to troubleshoot
  4. Multiple people have posted pictures of actual Edge's( the forum we are on) showing they work and light is usable and same cut off. So you post a video of a Subaru to prove your point?
  5. I ran into a thread here that shows how to disable the honk. But it seems a bit absurd and not sure many dealers would be willing to do it unless you know someone with the hookup they use to plug in. It requires you to pay for software that they can then use to run while plugged into the vehicle. Search for honk disable or double honk. If I find it I'll post here again
  6. Is it right after you shift from reverse for a few seconds into drive? There is a feature on my '16 I can shut off through sync 3. It was super distracting to see behind the vehicle going one way as I'm trying to drive another direction. If you had to brake to pull out of say a driveway it would literally stay on until the wheels had been moving forward for 5 seconds or so
  7. I just bought my 16.... Two weeks ago if I have to pay for a map update I will not be a happy camper. Should be a free upgrade if it is released during your model year.
  8. 6'5 here, seats are comfy to me, more so than my f150 where after 3-4 hours backs of my legs would fall asleep. I drive about 80 minutes each way to work no issues... What does drive me crazy is the center console. I have zero room for right knee to rest comfortably. I constantly am adjusting my leg as well as left leg with the dead pedal placement being ideal for someone who is 4'9". Wish ford would make a four door vehicle that had some side leg space and stop with these massive center console areas. So much wasted space!
  9. You have those combos completely backwards lol. Your unlock code and then a press of 3/4 opens all the doors. And holding 7/8 and 9/0 together locks them all. Also, doesn't work on SUVs but 5/6 on a sedan would pop the trunk.
  10. I hear ya! I've done this before with a small feature or two. If you've been there 5-6 hours last thing I want is a guy showing me every button in my car
  11. I hear ya! I've done this before with a small feature or two. If you've been there 5-6 hours last thing I want is a guy showing me every button in my car
  12. Thanks Wizard for the detailed information and providing proof to support your opinion. It seems there are some people here who comment on every single HID thread saying you will blind people and it is not an upgrade to use an HID kit in halogen projectors. All the while providing no evidence of such.
  13. Yea the dead pedal too! It could be so much further back. I feel like the shorter you are the less something like that would even be used because you have enough space to be comfy already. Cut us tall guys a break and move that dead pedal back!
  14. There are 3 or 4 USB ports. Two up in front storage compartment and one or two more in the center console arm rest area
  15. That procedure is for my 2016 no clue if it works for 2011. Like I said in your other thread, I think you may need to go have your dealer show you how to get the code / how keypad works
  16. Go to the dealer and ask. From the sound of it I am not sure you understand how the keypad works
  17. Curious about what phone. Have had an issue twice now where my iPhone 6s stopped working. Once I was trying to use Siri to send a text and screwed up my command. Next thing I knew, no matter what I selected on the screen phone menu it would act like it was doing an action but nothing would happen. Siri button would change color like I selected it but no voice. Got a phone call shows on screen but no volume from speakers and I had to use actual phone. Second time was today went to send a text again via Siri and it just wouldn't work. Same issue. Always resolves itself once car has shut off and turn it back on
  18. Enter it on the keypad... Do your doors unlock? If so then it works.
  19. What trim package? I have an SEL and don't have a button. I have one on the edge of wiper stalk for rear windhsield. I also have the ability to see the 4 wheel diagram on left side dash screen, but have to navigate through the menus to show it. Can you post a pic? Now I'm curious!
  20. Anyone else feel like Ford's in general center console could be a little more narrow? A lot of their vehicles lately have these huge console shifter areas and I feel it takes up a lot of usable leg room. I'm a tall guy, 6'5" so being crammed is not a new feeling to me, but I find my knee is resting against the corner of the dash at all times. There is no room to spread my legs at all. Love my edge, probably gonna have to put some padding against it or something because after about an hour or so my right knee is killing me
  21. Agreed, all these options you are questioning would have taken about 5 mins to verify vehicle had during a walk around / test drive. Sounds like somebody didn't do their homework!
  22. Depends on what year it is. If it's newer read the manual, there is a sequence you must do with both key fobs which involves placing key in center console, pressing start button and then doing same procedure with other key fob. The code then displays on your dash screen
  23. It does not matter. For sake of simplicity. Think of 1&2, 3&4, 5&6, 7&8, 9&0 as the same number. If your code is 12345. You would press 1&2 twice, 3&4 twice and then 5&6. The exact same pattern as if the code was 22445. I'm not sure there is any other way anyone is going to be able to explain it. Pretty straight forward concept. Each set of numbers, counts as one button press regardless of which number you are hitting. You don't need to try and touch only the number you want just hit the entire button If this doesn't make sense I'd suggest stopping by the dealer and having someone show you in person.
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