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Transfer case cracked?

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Hello Ford owners-I am hoping someone here has a similar experience and some advice. I have a 2021 Ford Edge AWD and several months ago I heard shuddering and vibrating when turning in either direction. Then I began to feel the same sensation when at a complete stop and then turning in either direction.

Recently my local dealer discovered the transfer case was cracked and it was replaced. 

1-Has anybody had issues with the transfer case previously and if yes, was the issue corrected

2-Is there anybody here who think the shuddering/vibration might be something other than the transfer case due to personal experience with your Edge


Any help would be appreciated. Thank you very much! 

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Since I am new here I wanted to ask the question in the hopes that others might have experience with this same issue with their own

Ford Edge 2021 AWD.

IMO, the issue is not corrected. The dealer didn't charge me since my vehicle is under warranty but seems to me that I can still hear the shuddering/vibrating and my faith in the dealer has plummeted. 

Originally they informed me the issue was a software problem and after they claimed to install a software update they told me the issue would be resolved after driving the car another 500 miles. I did exactly that and of course the problem remained. That's when the dealer did another inspection and they discovered the transfer case was cracked. About 10 days later the part was ordered, installed and the car was returned to me.


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If I were you - I would seek out another dealership service department.  Where I am - there are dealers I will not use unless I absolutely HAVE to do so - and even then it is no more than an oil change.  My purchasing dealer owes me the first 3 - so I am using them for that.  For the front suspension clunk I have been chasing I have ZERO faith that this same dealership would - a.) Be able to correctly diagnose this issue. - AND OR - b.) Advocate for me as a warranty item (they - as other dealers do I am sure - point to Ford as the denier of claims and say - hey nothing we can do here - shrug.  So in attempting to solve this - I'm going to a dealer 20 miles away to replace the struts, mounts, and etc because of the trust factor.  This second dealer has performed work with good results for me in the past - full boat retail - but fine by me for quality execution and customer service.


I am salty about my local dealer's operation because I had an established relationship with one of the service advisors then he left for an independent shop - now it feels like a sales pitch cluster every time I walk in there.  On the upside I did purchase from them so there is that.

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Since my last post I contacted the dealer and I am bringing in my car for a 3rd time. During the call I brought up the subject of this car being a lemon. The manager advised me to give them once more chance to diagnose and make the necessary repairs but if I am not satisfied then the process can begin with reporting the car as a lemon to Ford.

You are right about one thing-I have lost faith in this dealer, their service manager and technicians. I am going to remind them that this is the final time they are going to look at my car and they should also refrain from asking me to give them 5 star reviews. Believe me, I have not given them any favorable reviews and have reported them to Ford already once for their lack of service.

I will be sure to update everyone here so that this does not happen to someone else. 

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  • 4 weeks later...

Update #2

The dealer has had my Ford Edge for 3 weeks now and there is no resolution from the service dept and technicians. I asked for an update the other day and I was told there was nothing to report besides the service manager has contacted Ford for guidance on the next step. Which is very, very disappointing.

Not sure if anybody has experience here regarding "a lemon with Ford or not". At this point I cannot imagine how they are going to make the necessary repairs to make me feel like the car is safe to drive 

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What's your location - the lemon laws differ from state to state.


If you haven't been keeping detailed records, now would be the time to start, and contact Ford NA yourself and get a case number from them.


What Model (SE, ST, SEL) and location? - please add that to your profile signature - https://www.fordedgeforum.com/settings/signature/

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  • 3 weeks later...

Here is another update: The Ford dealer and I agreed that I am going to begin the "buy back program" process. I will no longer be driving that Ford Edge 2018 AWD. At this point they have yet to make the necessary repairs but to be honest I don't want the car even if they fix it, wash it and fill it with gas. Forget about it!

So the process of the "buy back program" has begun and right now we are in the paperwork portion. I don't have any figured how much my car will be worth, how much money I will get in return and what I might do with that money going forward. 


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  • 9 months later...

My 2014 edge was in a front end collision, the insurance adjuster nor the body shop put it on a lift to check for damage underneath.   I get my car back and as soon as I'm driving I hear a weird noise, they kept telling nothings wrong,  well the more i drove it, the worse it got, finally it was put on a lift and told the transfer case cracked and came apart.  so I  call insurance adjuster and he's saying that the damage couldn't have happened in the accident.  How can he say that when underneath was never checked.  He's saying corrosion caused it.  Can an accident cause it to come apart?  I've never had any problems with my car.  The noise started after the accident.  Officer would not allow it to be driven because of all the fluids that were lost on the ground.  Can someone give me advice?  And answers.

Thank you,


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You've told us Insurer says corrosion, what did mechanic say? Generally, they would say they missed it and add it to claim if in fact they believe accident caused it. They get more work and guaranteed payment that way. Sounds like it may be co-incidental, but we would just be guessing without the mechanic's follow up report. If you feel the mechanic is wrong for whatever reason, talk with them and if still not happy inform them you are going to have it towed to another mechanic for a 2nd opinion.

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