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Everything posted by solas989

  1. Before you get all upset on me - first, this is the only thread where I mention I am a software developer. Second, you are indeed entitled to what you want to believe and I will leave it at that. Third, ever think they have this tool developed BEFORE there are several versions to go through? Why should M$ have Windows Update Version Check developed at the release of Windows - even though there are no updates. Because it it creates a seamless life model of the software and it is not something they have to pound out after the fact. Good luck m8 and I was not attacking in anyway shape or form. Solas
  2. Remember this all software - even if the update did fail - say i was stuck by lightning - a simple trip to the Dealer to install the base sw and replace anything that fried will do the trick. If you do the update right when you get the car - then M$ wont get any data from you in particular - but they did/will from me. But the next update they will get info from you. NOTE: It looks like the updates are sequential and depend on each other - like SP2 requires SP1 etc. If it thinks you still have not installed SP1, it can let you install SP2 (etc etc). Solas
  3. Not everyone uses N - most still use O (most likely depends on your region I would guess). I still use O because it is most prevalent around here. The only place that uses N here is Tire Discounters - or is it Discount Tire. We have no Costo. I like being able to anywhere to fill up with normal O instead of specifically looking for a place with N. Now if TPMS would show me which tire is low - that would be an improvement. Even better is if it would show me what the tire pressure is at each wheel. That would make me a happy camper. Solas
  4. I stand corrected - I still like mine. Nonetheless, it is big (the moon roof). :hyper: Solas
  5. I design software systems - every time you involve user interaction - you have to think of them as an idiot - seriously. And yes, I guarantee there are users that will download and never install - I just did - but will install later. So right now, I installed the update according to the website - but in reality I didnt. Just because you dont think it wont happen, does not mean that is reality. Microsoft did a good thing here (yes I actually wrote that). Could it be to track user habits - I am sure they do. Is it to capture any logs - I am sure it does. I am positive I have a log stating where I tried to "Call Parent" and it always attempts to "Call Marions" and it never goes anywhere. If you want to believe only this, that is your right. Further, I can guarantee someone along the way will hack it - it is microsoft and it is a computer. Yes it is a proprietary os - but so was Windows CE at one time. If I ever get bored, I could probably hack it - but I would have to be really bored. Just because it has not happened yet to your knowledge, does not mean it wont. For the longest time, people never touched PCM's. But now people hack (well now they program) them. There are even commercial objects to help you do that. I hacked my Verizon Phone - it is a proprietary os too. Solas
  6. They want you to confirm to keep the site updated. It knows the versions and apps installed at factory, but not what you installed. This time, I will be willing to give the devil (at least one of them) my habits if it makes SYNC better. There is no critical data in this vehicle - unlike Windows. So if they want to know what songs I am listening to and which contacts it could not understand - great - this helps in voice recognition in later updates. However, if people start hacking this - this would track the hacks and possible turn them off/prevent them. So it is a double edges sword. Just my $0.02 Solas
  7. BAMR = Bad A$$ Moon Roof. I love the moon roof - especially since I dont have to wax and polish and seal the roof - YEEE HAAAWWWW!!!. Havent been able to open it yet - it is a wee bit cold here still - 10-25F. Closed it does not make noise :shades: I like leather - easier to clean and maintain - plus heated. If you like the chrome wheels - Edges built Jan 2008 and after fix issues - i think. But here is my logic. There is a lot of chrome on the car. The wheels help complete the chrome lines down the side. Further, it is MUCH easier to maintain plastic chrome than metal chrome - BY A LOT. I have them - I like them. They still "creak" a little in cold weather. I would not worry too much about it. if you like them, go for them. However if you dislike the looks, avoid them. I just would not avoid them due to other issues. I thought I could care less about the Power Lift Gate (PLG). However, it is really convenient and glad we got it. Great for grocery shopping in 15 below weather. I just thought it would be a whooptie dooo - i was wrong. Our Edge is an Orange Limited and it really does not show dirt a lot - which I like because there is less washing. But it sure shows salt - ick. I just hope we dont get annoyed with the color. Beware with the Dark Ink Blue (if you go that route) - it really looks black unless in DIRECT sunlight. The interior is Camel. We looked at the Stone - but it was TOO boring and overwhelming. Black was not an option for us - too many furry critters traveling with us. Sync is a REALLY nice feature - it plays all but our playlist on iRiver Clix Gen 2. It even recognizes underground names like Zoorupa and odd punctuation like T.a.T.u. Ours has the reverse sensor - have not seen the whole benefit yet because every time we back out of our garage, it beeps at us because of the garage wall - creates a false sense (like crying wolf). Will be installing rear camera due to high lift gate and it is really hard to see when backing. Ours has the Rear cargo mgmt system - havent used it yet. I wish the gas mileage was better - but this IS a suv by all means. Ours is averaging about 17.2 MPG - all 100% city with max speed 45MPH per the computer - still breaking in with 698 miles on it thus far. It does have lots of giddy up and go imo. I like the fact that is has a Can oil filter on the BOTTOM of the engine. First, this means JUST changing the oil filter is easy - drop in go with minimal spill (I hope - not change oil yet). Second, this means that the engine will not starve of oil (the Hyundai Sante Fe has the top mounted oil filter which can cause oil starvation at startup - a flawed design imo). Finally, I have a canister on my Mazda - while it is still easy to change - there is not much for aftermarket oil filtration - unless I convert it. And it spills more oil too. Good luck and show us pics when you get it. Solas
  8. A reputable tire place will make sure that you +1 Size up correctly. Since the Edge can accept 18" as standard - there will be no issues plus sizing from a 17". Visit tirerack.com for more information if you need it. You can go OEM rims if you want - however for the cost, you could most likely get more bang for buck and personality with aftermarket ones. Definitely get the TPMS monitors installed - or have Ford disable it so it doesn't annoy the daylights out of you. I assume Ford can do that - Mazda does (however this was in 2006 and I think TPMS if required by law now in 2008 models (but you have a 2007 so you might be fine) - can anyone confirm?). It is up to you because TPMS is not really all that effective if you monitor your tires like you are supposed to - it just annoys me on my Mazda - especially since it did sit outside for a few years in the nice cold weather (which compresses air and makes the system think there is less in there than actually is). Good luck and show us pics when done. Solas
  9. I can do that, but then i have to turn it back up again You are missing the point - I AM LAZY!!! :P That is all. Solas
  10. I have SYNC - it brings up the chick saying "Please Say A Command" or it brings up the setup menu for Sync Solas
  11. I think the HIGH setting is too hot - even my wife thinks so - and she is cold in Mexico summers. The low is too hot for me - but I get hot in Alaska winters (not really but I love the cold). Low is perfect for my wife. However, we both like to use HIGH when car is cold. Solas
  12. Both my wife and I are average weight - she is taller 6ft. No problems - except when we go a wee bit fast around corner. It grips and releases as designed. Good Luck! Solas
  13. I know I am a wee bit out of my realm in technical specs in regards to the edge (and if Oracle works correctly or not) BUT I know Oracle is a good company and my Brother In Law LOVES them on his IS350 (check out clublexus.com) and see what people have to say about Oracle. He has replaced both the FOG and LOW in his ride. Just my $0.01 Solas
  14. I am missing the mute button on the Edge - it is a highly valuable option on my Mazda. Of course my Mazda doesnt have sync either. Is this normal for Ford to not include it? I know I can volume down or turn off, but I still like my mute button. Just my ranting is all. Solas
  15. I have a similiar story - but mine was on New Years Eve at 10PM and I just got a warning - still dont have a front plate. Now I am not saying to attempt this but rumor has it states it might work. If you can get up into the bumper (dont know about edge as this was on a 1991 MR2) where the owner was cited a fix it ticket and required proof of inspection. Well he really didnt want holes drilled in the front bumper so help epoxied one extremely strong magnet (the bumper side covered in felt) to the bracket and put the other magnet on the other side. It passed inspection and 15 minutes later he was without a front plate again. I guess this also depends alot on who inspects it too - and if they really care. A few notes, most modern cars I think have the foam stuff on the bumper - so this might be difficult but it might work on the edge - have not checked. Good Luck Solas
  16. Thanks I am asking if the Ford Factory Solar Tint protects against UV - is that what you are stating? I know after market does - just would like to know if I need to add film to the existing tint to get UV protection. Thanks! Solas
  17. I am curious if the Solar Tint is protecting against UV rays - or if I should add additional film to protect against UV. I have read on other forums and those people suggest it does - but no mention if it is 99.9% or what specs it protects with. There is a lot of glass on the Edge - are all the windows UV protected? I could not find any solid printed material on this, so if you know where to find it, could you provide it too? Thanks!!! Solas
  18. I am looking for the service manual (not owners manual). This is the manual that gives all the wiring diagrams, specs, etc. Basically the one the dealers use. I have one for my Mazda 3 and would like the same for my Edge. This manual is gold when looking at modifications (especially with wiring diagrams). Thanks Solas
  19. I have an iRiver Clix Gen 2 - it does not recognize the playlists either. But I have have corrupted them and need to re-download them. No help here - just adding reference. Solas
  20. I like Meguiar and Mothers - good products. Another option is 303 (my favorite) - especially for protecting. My remedy is Diluted Soapy Water (I use Dawn) to clean. If you keep on top of things, this is all you will need. Then after I clean I use 303 to protect. My brother uses this method and has a 1991 MR2 in pristine condition. I use it on both my Mazda 3SP and now Ford Edge Limited. Either brand you go with, you cant go wrong. Solas
  21. Verizon LG 8600 (like a flip chocolate). Both wife and I have same phone. Pairs easily (both phones named differently). Access all well. I can tell when ANYONE is on handsfree. So...we have been testing it. CELL-->Land Line: Deterioration is noticed easily for me. Less so for my wife. Even my "semi-deaf" father can tell a difference. CELL-->CELL is more difficult to tell it is handsfree - but I can still tell. Wife didnt know and father did not either. We tried stopped, windows up, windows down, driving, rain, good weather etc. You can "barely" tell there is weather going on (I have really good hearing though so take that into account). If the HVAC fan is blowing you can hear it too - defrost is the worst. WIndows down really doesnt cut it either. Summary - very good solution. Worst deterioration is tinny voices of the caller. I DO like the fact that the call comes out of BOTH front speakers (dont know about rear - not sat there). Some cars it comes out only one. I would not be worried about what others think. Plus remember, bluetooth is TWO ways. If you have a stinky BT phone, it will sound stinky. Solas
  22. My phone is not supported - officially - The LG 8600. But it is the same as a chocolate (with minor differences) which is why it works. Although, it keeps thinking Call Parents = Call Marions (a very good pizza place). My wife and I have the same phone - but are named differently to eliminate bluetooth cornfusion. Solas
  23. My 2008 Limited Edge is pure bushed aluminum (or aluminum lookalike)- no stripes in it all. It is the Camel Interior. I decided against charcoal because of heat in summer and keeping it clean (we have many furry ones in our family). I hate the stripes. HTH Solas
  24. I actually prefer them without the gas struts - just another thing to replace when it goes bad - which it will. Plus, not every car has them and is not a sign of cheaping out - imo. Solas
  25. If you want to abide by the law - the states that require front plates usually want it in middle lower bumber with nothing blocking it (ie not behind a grill). However, I am in a state with required front plates. I bought my Mazda 3SP in TN and they dont have front plates. To this day, I have not been sited (only warned) about not having a front plate. Of course my state is OH, and there is still litigations to move to rear plate only - I dont know if that helps or not. Unfortunately, I bought my Edge in OH, so I already had the plate drilled and mounted. Solas
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