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DJ Nap

Edge Member
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Everything posted by DJ Nap

  1. looks a little like the saturn outlook's grill. Nice though.
  2. CORRECT. Wiping causes scratches. I don't care what you dry it with, over time, you WILL get spiderwebbing. I own a detailing company and I pay a water company $120 every 3 months to come out and exchange my deionization tanks. Mr. Clean systems use a mini filter like this to achieve spot free water. Your TDS (Total Dissolved Solids) in the water will determine how long your Mr. Clean filter will last. Go to my website pleasewashmycar.com and click "Why Spot-Free?". I took a vid of a black Benz that some detailers just got done wiping the crap out of. Horrible scratches. Soft water is not the answer. As a matter of fact, when you add salt to the water to soften it, you are adding more TDS to it. I fell victim to the RainSoft "This water will dry your dishes spotless" scheme. So I paid 4 grand to have this whole house system put in. Sure, my clothes are softer and the soap suds really well, but it spots like crazy. The only way to achieve spot free water is to deionize it, distill it or reverse osmosis it. I also use a leaf blower for those folks who don't want a wet car dripping in their garage....however, if it hasn't been waxed recently, the water doesn't blow off....just spreads.
  3. N E V E R hand dry. Spot free rinse it and park it.
  4. Are you going to cut out the surround on your cargo panel? If not, I'm assuming that much bass would rattle your plastic so much as to make it annoying. I know my single Blau 10" in a separate box rattles the crap out of the rear panel. Dynamat anyone?
  5. I'd make an appointment, but would search the web for the same issues first. You may find an answer instead of having the service advisor scratch his head over it.
  6. This is true. However, the LX570's, Escalades, etc are not that bright. Nice truck. It'll last forever. :yup:
  7. Looks blinding - even in the daylight. I'd swear your brights were on if I were passing from the opposite direction...
  8. Welcome! Fellow Blazing Copper here. That color will be discontinued in '09 so we got lucky. Enjoy this forum and I'm sure you'll find any mod info out just browsing through it. Holla!
  9. First thing - GOD BLESS you and what you do for our freedom. Second - Those are 2 completely different vehicles, however they are in the same price range. Release date for the Sport (from what I can find online) should be anytime. The dealer may know. The Challenger is a sweet looking ride and built for different reasons. It's up to you man, good luck in your decision.
  10. I'm with ttd on these. GREAT fit and coverage!
  11. Upper right and left (beside pedals) and on both sides, you are lacking coverage. Lift up those mats and compare the carpeting to the unprotected area. My opinion is to go ahead and spend the extra $$ and get FULL coverage, from door sill to console.
  12. I have the tan Huskys in my Camel Interior and they match great as well as giving a good 2 - 2 1/2 inch depth all the way around. I paid around $70 incl. shipping for my front set. Fit and finish are great.
  13. Like this Rolls that I maintain weekly. My advice above is for vehicles that are regularly maintained. You're right about the polish, you can f some paint up if you don't know what you're doing, but you'll still have spiderwebbing, unless you get a reaaaaal good detailer to buff it, like this guy here in town. He does amaaaaaaazing work. Check him out here..Never used a wool mit. The bottom of my bucket has a dirt/grit trap, so shaking my rag off in the bucket after every panel seems to work fine.
  14. As long as you wash them separate from your cotton towels and they don't have any hard grit embedded in them, they should last awhile. When I wash cars, I use a microfiber rag (12X12) folded twice and a clean bucket. Don't dip your sponge/rag all the way to the bottom of the bucket, that's where the dirt is. Use whatever you like, as long as it's microfiber. About the goo gone, you should see the amazement on peoples faces when I remove paint (as in "I bumped the garage when pulling in") off of their car in one swipe. That stuff is the sh**. It does all sort of things....also, if you have hard water spots on your glass, use a clay bar and then chrome polish.
  15. As a detailer, I've learned alot about cars and their paint over the past 10 years. Black is the most reflective and shiny when cleaned....when you're looking at the paint in the shade or at night. Look at any paint in the direct sun and 99% of all cars will have the spiderwebs. Spiderwebs are caused by poor washing/drying. Ever dried your car with a towel? That's the #1 cause. Ok, so you use a chamois. What about the dust that has settled on your car when you drag your chamois across it? it scratches. Dirt in your rag or in the bottom your wash bucket causes them too. My professional advice? Wash using ONLY microfiber rags or microfiber sponges. Wash from the top down and use a different rag to wash the bottom behind each wheel well and the wheels. NEVER, I repeat, NEVER hand dry it. I don't care what color you have. Invest in a Mr. Clean spot free system or call your local water place and have deionization tanks delivered. My tanks ($120) last 3 months and I wash cars nearly everyday AND our water here is some of the hardest in the Country. For your once weekly car wash, they should last you a loooong time, stretching that $120 out over half a year or more. A small price to pay to never put another spiderweb in your paint...and yes, a good detailer can remove them if they know what they're doing with a machine. I don't use them. I'd rather turn down a machine buff job then have to repaint someones car. nothing beats a spot free rinse. No lint or scratches AND you're done in 1/2 the time. :hyper: oh yeah, for those stubborn stains like paint scuffs and tar, try Goo Gone Xtreme.
  16. I did mine tonight. I ran a wire down the A pillar to the mirror fuse. I didn't want to mess with pulling down the headliner or releasing that wiring harness from it. I did use the ground screw "provided" right above the switch. I was getting tired of opening the roof when trying to close the shades :wacko: :wacko:
  17. I loooove my Huskys. The tan blends well with the Camel int. and it's ok that they don't say "Edge"...the blazing copper & BAMR says enough!
  18. Your MKX should be ok. The ones I see around town don't look anything like...say....F150 wheels.
  19. try these http://www.partscheap.com/Ford_Edge_Cargo_...-7811600-aa.htm
  20. I bought my 07 used and the sub wasn't working. The dealer put a new sub, amp and new deck in and still no fix. They eventually paid a local stereo shop to install and aftermarket JBL amp and the problem was fixed. I haven't had any issues with my CD's. What prob are you having?
  21. I'm a detailer by trade and I can tell you that the German cars and some Fords generate lots of dust. My Edge does not (thank God). I'll detail a Beemer and 3 days later (no sh*t) the front wheels look terrible. Easy Fix? CERAMIC brake pads. More $$, but you can go weeks without the dust buildup of 3 day old stock pads.
  22. It's all over today. Thank God. :happy feet:
  23. My rear pass seat has that problem. I pulled over and fixed it. It was driving me nuts, like the "I'll get to it" BAMR trim rattle.
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