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Everything posted by choff1138

  1. What version are you on? I am still hanging on to 1.8. No upgrades yet, but figure I will have to do this one. But now I have to go to the dealership since I am not current. Oh well...
  2. We have been stuck with some really weird storms here in AK this month - some days it seems like we might not have a white Christmas either - It will probably be icy though. Winds strong enough right now to sway the 17 story building I am. Fingers crossed the rain doesn't come with this storm.
  3. Pure highway at about 60, I got 25mpg with my AWD. But realistically, I get about 20 with mixed driving.
  4. I had a system maintenance screen today. first time in forever. Wish everyone had a system as stable as mine. Fingers still crossed for the new update to be wonderful.
  5. choff1138


    Mine sits outside all day in AK and no problems yet in a year. I have found that sometimes with the extreme cold the battery will die and need to be taken inside to be charged and warmed, but the screen hasn't had any problems.
  6. choff1138


    I have a 32gig touch plugged in - probably only 20 gig full, and I haven't had any problems.
  7. I got a 100% on the first question, but then pretty much started failing so I gave up. I should know to stop when I am ahead.
  8. EDIT: I hate these double underlined links on MY post. The stupid ads take away from what I'm trying to get across Have to say - I did love that it added some double underline in your edit to rant about the double underline. Yes, they are obnoxious. Another thing we agree on.
  9. Oh - I am so glad I stopped for lunch to check up on everyone. This is great! Merry Christmas or whatever winter festival event you want to call it.
  10. Yeah, I use all season on mine for full time winter use. No part time snow in my world. I used to use studded tires, but I have learned that is more of an Alaskan thing and really only helps with the getting going which I don't need with this car. Good luck.
  11. But if it fixed it for more then a couple of days or weeks, wouldn't it be worth it? No proof that it did or will yet, just asking.
  12. Sheldon is still doing great - haven't done any software updates, since I read this site too much and mine still works great. I will probably even wait a bit on the new update till I hear reactions. I will have to take it to the dealer to have it done anyway because of the version I am still on. Alaska is DANG cold - well, today it is a heat wave at 32, but we spent two weeks of single or below zero digits. BRRRR. Could be worse, could be further north.
  13. Hey stranger - welcome back around - hows the car? I have done mine twice - book says between 7500 and 10000 miles. I have almost 18000 miles on it.
  14. Luckily I am well below the arctic circle in Alaska. It gets cold enough here. Welcome
  15. I found out after the original post, that I had checked the do not email me button on Sync my ride, so I am guessing that is why I have never gotten anything... but hey - I was notified here.
  16. And I continue to point out - not everyone who uses MFT is unhappy and yet, people continue to try to lump everyone in the unhappy category.
  17. It is going back up when you start the car if it isn't closed all the way - it is explained in the manual.
  18. Did you really get that for a plate Wilson? Awesome. Still love my BZNGA (Car is also named Sheldon from BBT)
  19. I don't have to touch hard. Not quite as sensitive as my iPhone, but not as hard as our garmin.
  20. I have a friend who had a seizure while helping my dad cut down an old spruce tree - good tall one... Well, our friend didn't move when Dad hollered at him and the tree landed right where it was supposed to. Cracked our friend on top the head, split it open, broke bones in his neck and some ribs, punctured a lung. Killed him. My dad was able to do CPR and almost 10 years later, you can barely see the scar. Life happens in weird ways. Hug your family every chance you get. You don't know what the next second will bring. Happy Thanksgiving to everyone. edit - Said friend is slightly disappointed in the scar healing so well... loves to tell the story now. And a few years ago - we finally started letting the two of them cut down trees again.
  21. As a wife - I would say she would probably be more appreciative to not having the car louder, but that is me. I find I get better mileage then my husband does when he drives the car - simply on our styles of driving.
  22. I would guess that this is a signal strength issue with the stations - it could be the antenna on the car too I guess. We only have one HD station up here that I know of and it isn't music I listen to much, so don't stay on it. All and all, I guess I am not much help.
  23. ugh! That sucks. Condolences to the family.
  24. Jaclyn At Ford No problem, Ron. @Carrie & Nicole - Customers that purchased the navigation option will receive a new and improved SD-card in their Performance Upgrade packet. Give me a shout if you have additional questions. 3 hours ago · Like
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