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BB Z10 vs iPhone and text messages

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Is anyone using the new Blackberry Z10 with MFT? What about OS6 on iPhone?


I am currently using a BB9900 and have had issues with receiving text messages. I have had to downgrade the OS in order to receive texts on MFT.


I will be changing to either the Z10 or iPhone and want to make sure the newest OS are compatible.

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Anyone have text notification on MFT working with iphone 5 with OS6?


Interment ... Worked with iOS 6.1.2 but now with 6.1.3 the phone seems to lose the BT connection. When the phone reconnects, the BT appears to not support Texting (Messaging according to MS). Answers/makes calls but no go for texting (at least for me). I've only had my Edge for 14 days. Worked couple of days, not after iOS 6.1.3...

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hey guys, can you please indicate the level of support you're seeing with MFT and the Z10 for text messaging? I currently have 2 phones (one personal, one work); a LG Optimus 7 (Windows Phone 7) and a Samsung Galaxy S2 (Android).


With the Android, I get a notification (on centre-console-screen and audio-chime in the stereo speakers) that a text message has arrived, but doesn't initially show me who it's from. However, I can play the message by pressing the right thumb button (text-to-speech). I can see who it was from by going to the centre screen and looking at the list of text messages. I can only reply by using the list of pre-canned messages in the reply list, by tapping on the centre screen.


However, with the Windows Phone, when a text message is received, I get an audio-chime and the Sync lady says "New message from John Smith. Would you like to play or ignore?" I then say 'Play'. It reads me the message, then says "Would you like to reply, call, or cancel?" If I say 'Reply', it then responds "Please speak your message now:". I speak my message, and the speech recognition turns it into text message (speech-to-text), then she reads it back to me, and asks "Is this correct?". I say 'Yes', then she asks "Send now?" I say 'Yes', then the message is sent. I never had to press a button, or look at any screens. Very, very cool. It is all Ford-Sync (or MFT) based and I believe it is enabled via the "MAP" protocol.


I will soon be changing phones and am wondering if the Z10 can also do this level of text-message integration?



Edited by JohnPR
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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...

So I got a Z10 a couple of weeks ago, and paired it with my Edge with MFT. Voice-activated dialing works great. Bluetooth music streaming works great. Text messaging, not so much. At first, if I received a text message, I'd get a tone over the speakers, then the MFT display would show a notification, with the sender's name. I could then use the right thumb button to play it. No option to reply though. However, a few days after having the Z10, BB issued a software update. Ever since then, I only get the notification, but can't play the message anymore. I love the Z10, but WP still rules when it comes to text messaging integration with Sync.

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