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Sync 3 navigation problems

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I just bought a 2016 edge platinum and I can’t get the navigation to work right. I joined the forum and read through all the navigation threads I could find. The navigation is very far off and doesn’t register direction changes until sometimes 10 minutes later. I have done the reset, then the factory default reset, pulled the fuses for half hour, did the resets again. Then in the diagnostics screen I was able to see that there was plenty of satellites in range, however two of the 7 were a little week. I replaced the antenna and did the resets again, the signal showed stronger now but the original problem remained. I checked my sync version which showed to be updated in November, checked the latest version is the same but reloaded it anyway. I constantly have the red x in the gps symbol. Weird part is it actually works for brief periods of about 2 miles or so. Any ideas would be appreciated, I don’t feel like spending hundreds of dollars to have the dealer diagnostics and more to repair it.

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are you using the car's built-in navigation or a phone that is attached with a cable (i.e. android auto or car play)?


i've had some bizarre situations with the phone connected using google maps. the car icon on the sync screen would jump all over town and recalculate continuously. it appears to only happen when i pull out of an underground parking where the car has been overnight. it's inconsistent though.


from what i've read and my understanding of it, android auto or apple car play on sync use the gps antenna on the car as well as the phone.


what i would need to do next time is disconnect my phone from the edge to see if the map on the phone screen is correct. 

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Yes the vehicle is parked outside when I am testing and resetting. This is with the vehicles gps it happened before I connected my phone (unfortunately should have tried it on the test drive), as well as after. After the factory reset it unpairs the phone completely and I tried doing the troubleshooting for a few days without the phone paired because I read about the possible interference. I definitely appreciate your thoughts though because every thought helps.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I haven’t yet, been too busy but plan to tomorrow. I was hoping it isn’t the APIM due to the cost but that was my thought as well. Since the unit isn’t showing fault codes I hope my scanner can, it’s a professional model that does coding as well. Have you heard what codes were the signs of a faulty APIM?

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Before you consider a new APIM ($$$) check the GPS antenna connection on the back of the ACU (radio). Also check for corrosion on this connection. 


When the ACU loses the GPS signal, it maintains the navigation by "guessing" based on speed and time. When the GPS syncs up again,  it updates the screen and the map "snaps" to your current location. 


I wonder if the real failure is the GPS module itself. I don't know where the module is on your car, on my 2009 MJX it's above the radio, under the speaker.


My guess would be the GPS antenna or module.

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