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Edge Platinum Member
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Everything posted by WWWPerfA_ZN0W

  1. Wow! That's one way to prep your car for paint ...
  2. Good insight, Crusty. The particular store I went to, I always had trouble with. I should have just used the store that is real nice to its' customers, just twice the distance and time for me. But I guess worth it!
  3. Meguiar's 105/205 series polishes. Well established and highly recommended by professionals from what I read around the Internet.
  4. Just picked up my order. Not without getting some heck and some disbelief from the cust reps. They even called the cust svc on the phone to verify. So I guess this price was an error after all. BUT to their credit, they did give me the full order. Hope u guys have already claimed what you needed.
  5. I was perusing the WalMart and Advance Auto sites today. WalMart has the Motorcraft 5Qt jug at about $18.50, so I checked over at Advance Auto. $4.95????? Unbelieveable! So to test it out, I placed an order for 4 jugs online. Let's see what happens when I go to pickup the order. Prepared to face rejection, but if it works, hey, I ain't complaining. Probably use the old "Not responsible for typographical error" excuse. http://shop.advanceautoparts.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/product_5w-20-synthetic-blend-motor-oil-motorcraft_8030012-p
  6. Sounds like fuel pump/filter is the next thing to be replaced. If gas is so bad, would definitely have clogged the filter over time. Don't know if filter can be replaced separately from pump though. Both are in-tank, I believe.
  7. I got some LC orange and white pads to go with Meguiar's 105/205 series. Supposed to be really easy for novices, plus the polishing compound is easily available locally. I might try the DG/B&S combo Edgieguy recommended above, if I can get them at a good price. Not sure what kind of paint the Edge has (soft/hard), so I will have to be extra cautious the first time around. I have only ever handpolished a car, once, a LONG time ago. That was a lot of work
  8. Nice, sharp looking vehicle! Pls. post some pics when you take delivery. Wish you a long and happy journey with your new Edge.
  9. That's great to hear! What made you decide to build the custom harness? Got any pics of your installation/lighting?
  10. That's what you get for sparking people's interest!
  11. Did you check with the Ford dealer on this site? Some of the best prices on the web there! Check out this thread: http://www.fordedgeforum.com/index.php?/topic/10937-employee-pricing-on-all-parts-accessories/ They did get hit by SS Sandy, but will let you know their turnaround time.
  12. Me being a lightweight in the cleanup/detailing world, gotta take it slow, hence the 7424 = logical choice. Started the washing job on the Edge yesterday, discovered the horror of swirls in the sun. Eeek! Regardless, the first time around, I am only going to clean the truck, then seal the paint with some sort of wax to get thru the winter. Spring rolls around, that's the time to do a full jobbie on it. hope to document it at that point.
  13. I think I hear a fly buzzing around here somewhere, but I don't see anything ...
  14. Anyone know if the projectors work equally well with halogens & HIDs? I have heard that they are usually designed differently due to the differences in lighting technology.
  15. Could get a "used" Cayenne, 2003-4 vintage, starting at 15K, if you want to mod that ...
  16. Welcome to the forum, glad to have you here! Nice looking rides, and family. Lots of great info and discussions on this forum, I have found it to be very useful pre-purchase and post-purchase. Currently looking into Weathertech mats/liners, and some sort of non-slip cargo management system. Future upgrades likely to include HID projector headlamps, and LED interior lighting. If or when engine/trans tunes become available, esp if they improve mpgs, that would be right up there as well.
  17. 18's with Crosstek's on 'em. Haven't gone thru a winter yet. If it's anything as bad as predicted, should get some great data on it.
  18. ^ Stealth mode officially gone bye-bye. Now you get to let us know how much HP and MPG you gained
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