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2008 Edge Parking Aid Speaker

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Here is how to "Flat Rate " job or in civilian talk, this is how we can beat the clock!

This is the view of the Left Rear quarter Panel where the Parking Aid Speaker is located.

We will see it's location just below and to the rear of the seat belt entrance into the panel.



Looking at the trim panel, separate the trim from the rubber seal.20240315_140223.thumb.jpg.cd9e7ccfeb0498bc3afca5146c757b00.jpg

Peeling back the Quarter Panel the Speaker to be replaced is now visable.



Prop the panel and replace and reinsert the panel into the rubber trim.

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Thank you much for the tip. I had tracked the problem down a long time ago.

I just did not know where the speaker was exactly and I was too lazy to

tear the trim panel out.


Also for someone else in the future.


Now that I found it a new part will be put in in no time!


Edited by garycrist
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After replacing the speaker it is FIXED. IIRC Forescan read the failure as the "Parking Aid Speaker".

As shown in the above pictures, the speaker the black round disc in the bottom, is held in by 2

push pins. They will be pried from the body with one's pry bars(s). The opening is big enough

to fit my 72 YO hands between the panel and body. If one drops the speaker, fear not as the wire

holding the speaker is attached the the body so it will not drop far.

There is a small push tab to depress to remove the wiring harness from the speaker. Install

the new speaker into the speaker socket. If one desires the speaker may be reattached or stuff

behind the panel away from the seat belt.


FIXED! It took 10-15 minutes and I am slow.





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