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Everything posted by enigma-2

  1. This happened to my MKX once years ago. I stopped it by spraying WD-40 on the weatherstripping and then wiping to just leave a film. (WD-40 repells water.)
  2. There's also Sirius XM. Not as high fidelity, but good selection of categories.
  3. I'd try connecting the tweeter to the woofer through the use of jumpers with alligator clips; as a test to see if it's just a missing harness. If it does, it's just the harness. If it doesn't, it's either the tweeter or the crossover on the woofer. There has to be a reason the harness was removed, it would never have left the factory without it. Did you buy the car used?
  4. You can contact the Ford Customer Relationship Center at (800) 392-3673. According to the Ford website, reporting a Successful SYNC Update is completed by following the following instructions. Insert the flash drive you used for the update into your computer. Go to the SYNC and Navigation Updates page. Scroll down to Step Three: Confirm Update. Click on Browse for log file. Browse the flash drive you used to update your SYNC system. Select the XML log file in the "SYNCMyRide" folder, for example, sync_48474463_1A2B3C4D5E6F8G8H9.xml. Your file name will differ because it will contain your Vehicle Identification Number.
  5. I'll take a guess as to what's going on. The switches are mechanical switches with embedded resistors. When you press a switch, it sends a current flow at a specific voltage to the ACU. When a switch fails, it's normally only one switch. As you have multiple switches failing, I think it's safe to assume it's probably not the switch unit. UNLESS.. there's a corrosion problem in the unit or at the connector. As some signal is getting through, think we can assume the clock spring is functioning properly. That takes us to the either a failure in the APU or APIM (I'm not certain where the signal is processed in the 14.) My initial guess is corrosion somewhere. I'd pull the switchpack and start looking for corrosion there. Then the clockspring unit.
  6. Check to see if you have selected "make primary" to default to your phone.
  7. These are designed for the 20 titanium but require drilling. (I don't believe that I've ever seen any no-drill for the titanium or sport.) https://www.ebay.com/itm/284337160678?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=i26t0jm7sbm&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=Snv36mbbRk2&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY
  8. States on page that they don’t fit the Edge titanium with the elite pkg.
  9. Northern Indiana, they love to use salt. Then even salt the roads if it's just cloudy. No undercoat. Use one of those electronic metal protectors (that's used to reseal the galvanizing) -AND- run it through the car wash (which has a under spray) anytime after they salted the roads. During the winter that usually means once a week. No rust (other than the driveshaft.)
  10. I know it sounds silly, but I use my Brother labeler to print out a small strip and label when I changed my air cleaner element (date and milage) & cabin air cleaner element. Surprising how easy it is to forget these things.
  11. These problems can really be hard to pin down. One area to check is the grounds and connections going to tge PCM. Look for corrosion. Try the other different key and see if it starts. Check your vehicle battery. Check for corrosion around the battery conbectors. The door handle is secured by a single screw. Open the door. On the door frame you'll see a small access hole. Look in and you'll see a screw. When you remove it, the back portion of the handle comes off. Then the front (larger) section can be slide backwards and removed. Now, there is one cleavet to this. DON'T DROP THE SCREW WHEN RENOVING. Only remove the screw with a magnitized screwdriver. And go slow. Drop the screw and you'll need to pull the door panel to get it back. If you don't have a magnetized screwdriver, buy a Dewalt magnetized (they're not expensive.)
  12. No market for buttons. Course could always go this route: (Big grin) ? https://www.amazon.com/DYMO-LetraTag-Handheld-Labeling-1955663/dp/B01BD6DRI6/ref=mp_s_a_1_1_sspa?adgrpid=58817769969&hvadid=651265741588&hvdev=m&hvlocphy=9016241&hvnetw=g&hvqmt=e&hvrand=16615939766622996411&hvtargid=kwd-393627443019&hydadcr=12194_13429263&keywords=label-maker&qid=1700689196&sr=8-1-spons&sp_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9waG9uZV9zZWFyY2hfYXRm&psc=1
  13. I had a similar problem in my 09 MKX. I replaced the switch and it fixed the problem. Posted what i did here in the forum. You just remove the plastic trim pieces to gain access to the switch then r&r. Hardest part is getting those damn plastic trim pieces back correctly. Suggest you take pictures with your cell during disassembly. Worked for me. There are several different seat switches for the 09. Mine was a 10-way. I looked up the switch on Rock Auto. Think it was around $75 for Motorcraft. But there are aftermarket available fot less. Here's the Rock Auto page. https://www.rockauto.com/en/catalog/ford,2009,edge,3.5l+v6,1443379,electrical-switch+&+relay,power+seat+switch,4612 -》Could always drop by your local Ford dealer & have them look it up. Price should be similar. Take your VIN so they can zero down to right part. Think the 6-way switch was installed on the 09 Edge.
  14. I wouldn't sell my MKX for one. Love the CUV design.
  15. I remember reading where someone else had a similar problem, few years ago. Turned out the new shafts changed the angle going unto the RDU. Also a worn pinion gear or bearing can cause this. (Most common cause is the drive shaft bearings as you already deduced.) Seen a YouTube video sometime back (don't remember the title) where the mechanic placed a vibration sending unit (magnetic) on or near various parts of the drive train to narrow down the actual location of the vibration. Had to place it on several locations but eventually narrowed it down.
  16. The ford PTU fluid is actually the best you can use for Ford PTU's. Personally, I really don't believe that any other fluid is equal (or better.) The Ford fluid is made by US Lubricants. Pretty certain it's their "300 Waylube"; which is rebanded under the Ford label. These are at the top of the line lubes, which is why the Ford brand is so expensive.
  17. You can pruchase a printed version of your owners manual (don't know what the price is, didn’t call.) Physical or hard copies of Owner’s Manuals are also available for purchase from our publications suppliers. Contact them using the information below: Helm Inc. or 1-800-782-4356 (1940 to present) Bishko or 1-800-544-3312 (1910 to present)
  18. Seems sketchy to me. Ford truck forums had discussion about this, seems xfr cases explode when Mercon V was used. In-fact, if you look at the back of the Mercon V container, it specifically states "not for use in transfer cases". Guess it's ok to use to clean out case, but I wouldn't run it more than a few miles. There was also a discussion on BITOG about a mechanic using ATM in a MKX. Told client that's what they all use. Of course the guy was an idiot, PTUs that use use ATM are built differently and use a lot more fluid. Our PTUs only use a few onces and sit right next to the cat. https://bobistheoilguy.com/forums/threads/2011-lincoln-mkx-ptu-oil-vs-atf.318911/ I've read several guys are well satisfied with Redline Lightweight Shock Proof fluid. Couple switched because the Motorcraft turned to a grease consistency too quickly. I just have the dealer change the fluid every couple of years. No way I'd run ATF in there however.
  19. NHTSA Recall ID Number : 23T006 Continental Tire the Americas, LLC (Continental) is recalling certain CrossContact LX25 tires with sizes 235/55R18 100H and 225/65R17 102H. The tires may contain rubber compound contaminated with small metal fragments. Metal contaminants in the tire sidewalls can cause a sudden loss of air pressure, increasing the risk of a crash. Dealers will replace the tires, free of charge. Owner notification letters are expected to be mailed November 27, 2023. Owners may contact Continental customer service at 1-888-799-2168. National Highway Traffic Safety Administration United States Department of Transportation
  20. Opps, here's the gen one version https://www.proclipusa.com/collections/dashboard-mounts-ford-edge-2009
  21. Did you ever look at proclip? https://www.proclipusa.com/products/855122-proclip-angle-mount-ford-edge-2015-20xx?gclid=Cj0KCQjw1OmoBhDXARIsAAAYGSEQkML_vyS3w-WcwU18iJHXo3BYTCNnZ2LD-jKaruNz6moRRZ0SuPAaAuUmEALw_wcB
  22. 1st gen MKX, I use a holder that clips to the vent. Yes, it deflects part of the airflow but it sits at the right height for me. I only use it when using a map program where I watch to see where the cops are in real time. (I'm running an Escort Max 360c radar detector.) I dont really have a problem with blocking one of the vents, don't like them directly blowing on me anyway. Used a sticky cup holder, worked well, never fell off, but if you mount it to the windshield, you can get a warning ticket for blocking your vision. @always on edge mounted it in probably the best place where it won't get noticed.
  23. Great write up. I know on my 09 MKX Lincoln has a warning in the OM about adding aftermarket speakers. Seems to interfere with the AdvanceTrac stabilization system. May no longer apply to later years, such as yours. "In addition, installing any stereo loudspeakers may interfere with and adversely affect the AdvanceTrac with RSC system".
  24. Don't believe the "off" feature was available on the 2015, you had to get a 2016 to turn it off. Just kidding, try USB pause.
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