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Comsumer reports doesn't like MyTouch


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Interesting article... I happen to work in IT and consider this system more techie then anything. The issue isn't the technology... its the people using it. Not saying anyone is dumb, but people are affraid of change. Just like any new car you need to learn the controls again. Ever look at all the buttons on a new Fully loaded Acura MDX? I think theres alot more to push then the edge. not to mention, if you dont want to use the touchscreen... use the buttons below it like any other car. Through in a touch screen for technology and everyone gets confused..... its the same stuff just a different type of button.



My Edge is on order, so maybe im not the best critic yet, but so far on my 3 test drives I had no issues finding my way around the controls ;o)

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I agree this is BS. All of the controls you need while driving are on the steering wheel and/or available via voice command without taking your eyes off the road at all.


Personally I think the 1st few times I played with the tech while driving I was very careful not to let the tech information overwhelm me with stuff. After driving my 2011 LTD for the last 2 months or so.. I have to say i've become very comfortable with using the system while driving. The basic's are covered with the normal buttons on the center stack, and the rest of the fancy stuff can be done via voice.. not to mention all other major automobile manufacturers, chrysler/toyota etc all seem to be following Fords lead in this new tecnhology..


everyone has their two cents I guess.. but I like the tech.. ;)



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IMHO, the MTF is no more distracting than traditional buttons. Ever see some interiors that go absolutely button overload? Acura is notorious for a gazillion buttons, which is just as distracting. I agree with Scott as well, once you get familiar with the MFT (namely the voice commands), it's not really that distracting at all.


Acura RL



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I would be most interested to know the age of the previous respondents. I (and others) wonder if Ford have messed up their marketing a bit by putting it on the Edge and MKX since both vehicles, based on price, are targeted primarily at the +50 or even +55 age demographics. For this generation the system appears complex and a Pain to use, so why bother, especially when the old known system works?. This generation for the most part are a) not tech savvy and B) dont see the need since the old system works. FYI I fit these demographics and for the most part dont use the sync in my 2010. For a start the voice commands are cxxp. The dont recognise my UK accent and in any case why should I have to learn the questions to ask? I am the customer, after all. I still dont know what a folder is, but I do use the bluetooth my i-touch for music. If I was buying a new Edge or vehicle of any sort, the i-sync would be very low on my list of requirement. and if I could get a price reduction by not having it (or if i had to pay a premium) I would take it. All I need is bluetooth and some sort of connection for my music.

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I would be most interested to know the age of the previous respondents. I (and others) wonder if Ford have messed up their marketing a bit by putting it on the Edge and MKX since both vehicles, based on price, are targeted primarily at the +50 or even +55 age demographics. For this generation the system appears complex and a Pain to use, so why bother, especially when the old known system works?. This generation for the most part are a) not tech savvy and B) dont see the need since the old system works. FYI I fit these demographics and for the most part dont use the sync in my 2010. For a start the voice commands are cxxp. The dont recognise my UK accent and in any case why should I have to learn the questions to ask? I am the customer, after all. I still dont know what a folder is, but I do use the bluetooth my i-touch for music. If I was buying a new Edge or vehicle of any sort, the i-sync would be very low on my list of requirement. and if I could get a price reduction by not having it (or if i had to pay a premium) I would take it. All I need is bluetooth and some sort of connection for my music.


Obviously they are trying to target a younger demographic. That's also why it's OPTIONAL on the Edge SE and SEL. If customers don't want it they don't have to get it - meanwhile, the techno-geeks that just HAVE to have it can get it.


I also don't see any complaints from actual owners about the system being too difficult - only from magazine reviewers who only see the vehicle for a few hours or a day at most.

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Interesting. Looks like the Toyota system is brain dead until you pair your phone with it.

At least Sync can perform most functions without a phone connected.



It looks like it just makes your phone show on a bigger screen - why bother - just use your phone. And this looks even more in the still theory stage and we will see what they are really able to come up with when it is finally out - maybe some false advertising???? hehehe sorry wilson had to.

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I think the problem with all of the reviews I've read is they are all based on a "test drive" of some form. They use the car for a certain period of time then move on. You can tell from some of their comments they never really used the car for any length of time and therefore never really experienced all it can do.


The MyFord / MyLincoln systems are meant for a vehicle "owner." The more you use it, the simpler and more intuitive it becomes. After a week or two of driving, you can do way more without taking your hands from the wheel or eyes from the road than any other vehicle on the market.


The comment about the radio display being distracting is an obvious example of this. There is no other system I know of that lets you tune to a station by just speaking the station name. Or, you can use the steering wheel controls or the hard buttons or the MFT. The reviewers have never seen these kinds of options before and, based on their comments, I suspect were not even aware of all of them when they wrote their articles.


The only control related issue I have with the system is I'd like a hard button for the seat warmers. The MFT buttons are OK, but I personally would like a hard button as well.



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I believe this system is geared to the younger crowd also, I really cant see too many people over the age of 50 or 60 saying I got to have this but I am sure there are lots of people that are over 50 that do want this but I am sure they probably were really up on the newest technology for years.


I am 39 and I didnt believe it was worth the upgrade price to me. I will wait till there is an aftermarket upgrade.


Here is a list of owners who own the vehicle and are not testing it for a day or two that are having issues.




Seems to me owners (not testers) are having lots of issues.

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It looks like it just makes your phone show on a bigger screen - why bother - just use your phone. And this looks even more in the still theory stage and we will see what they are really able to come up with when it is finally out - maybe some false advertising???? hehehe sorry wilson had to.




now now :-)

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I think the problem with all of the reviews I've read is they are all based on a "test drive" of some form. They use the car for a certain period of time then move on. You can tell from some of their comments they never really used the car for any length of time and therefore never really experienced all it can do.


The MyFord / MyLincoln systems are meant for a vehicle "owner." The more you use it, the simpler and more intuitive it becomes. After a week or two of driving, you can do way more without taking your hands from the wheel or eyes from the road than any other vehicle on the market.


The comment about the radio display being distracting is an obvious example of this. There is no other system I know of that lets you tune to a station by just speaking the station name. Or, you can use the steering wheel controls or the hard buttons or the MFT. The reviewers have never seen these kinds of options before and, based on their comments, I suspect were not even aware of all of them when they wrote their articles.


The only control related issue I have with the system is I'd like a hard button for the seat warmers. The MFT buttons are OK, but I personally would like a hard button as well.




I couldn't agree with you more. The radio voice controls are amazing. Changing back from radio to USB to Sirius is effortless. There needs to be voice control for both the seat heaters (as well as the coolers) in addition to the steering wheel. I'm hoping there will be an app developed that can do it or perhaps addressed in an update to Sync.


Now, as far as being distracted, come on...women drive while putting on makeup and yackking on their phone at the same time and men can eat a 3 course meal and shave going down the highway and kids text their life story behind the wheel. The reviewers completely missed the point about how this LESSENS the distractions once you know the system and how it works. The reviewer did not take the time to learn the system thereby giving it an honest chance. Shame on them.

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A few comments.


  • Toyota developing a touch system lends credibility to Ford and the future. Now, if they develop a standard so we can share apps?
  • I'm in the over 50 crowd and definitely love the MFT. I spend my day around systems so technology's no stranger to me
  • The more I use the system the more comfortable I am. I've owned my LTD for just over two weeks. In fact, the first night, I just started pushing buttons and configured several operations in a few minutes.
  • Now learning voice commands and how to mess with the system's mind; yes, my evil twin's inner being surfaced and needs to cause trouble..

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I know Motorweek usually drives the vehicles long term to get the best review. Later in the year they usually do a revisit on some vehicles and let you know the long term outcome. They did give the Edge an awesome review overall, they just didnt like some of the features of the radio. Now Motorweek is one of the longest most trusted shows about cars, I doubt they drove the Edge for only a few days and just slammed the MyTouch with out actually driving it for long term, they would loose their reputation of being a trusted show. The Odometer actually says 3648.5 miles in the video so they did drive it, they dont test used vehicles.


You can see Motorweek's video review here, they really didnt slam the MyTouch, they just didnt like some features. Video starts on the MyTouch about 2:14 through about 3:40. They really complain about how sensitive the buttons and how slow they can respond and how it locked up.





Really I think most of the Issues is the unstable Microsoft system that Ford uses, hey imagine if Microsoft made cars..... They would just randomly crash for no reason!

Edited by nextime
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I believe this system is geared to the younger crowd also, I really cant see too many people over the age of 50 or 60 saying I got to have this but I am sure there are lots of people that are over 50 that do want this but I am sure they probably were really up on the newest technology for years.


I am 39 and I didnt believe it was worth the upgrade price to me. I will wait till there is an aftermarket upgrade.


Here is a list of owners who own the vehicle and are not testing it for a day or two that are having issues.




Seems to me owners (not testers) are having lots of issues.


There are some of us old farts around that are not still using typewriters :yup: . Thiis system is not for any non-tech person of any age. I can see a non tech person young or old becoming very frustrated with this system very quickly :banghead:


The latest upgrades have really improved the system, and so far as I can tell everything but the ambient color swap appears to be working correctly.

Edited by curlysir
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Yeah I didnt get it, please explain in layman terms for all of us to follow.



Hey, imagine if Ford thought they were a software company and decided to program their industry leading interface completely in-house using Adobe Flash(lite)?


In terms of the professional reviews, they deserve the criticisms.

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Yeah I didnt get it, please explain in layman terms for all of us to follow.


That's exactly what they did. Adobe Flash is not well respected in the software community. Apple thought it was so bad they won't allow it on iOS (iphone, ipad, ipod touch).


Probably not the best choice but they should be able to make it work. In fact it seems to be working pretty well after the update.

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