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2011 Edge major defect

overthe edge

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^ Carrie (Choff1138) has been in below freezing temps for a little while now without any issues. I'll let her speak on her own behalf but I am pretty sure she's had no issues in with the cold weather.



It was a warm one today - got all the way to 33f - woo hoo - love the dang winter and all this dark. I am especially loving the HIDs which I have never had before. Your right though Shane - no problems. But knock on wood, I haven't had any problems.

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It was a warm one today - got all the way to 33f - woo hoo - love the dang winter and all this dark. I am especially loving the HIDs which I have never had before. Your right though Shane - no problems. But knock on wood, I haven't had any problems.


We have been in the mid 50s yesterday and today with Saturday looking like it might get to 60F. I went for a top down cruise today in my S2000 and damn it felt good! Can't wait to do it again tomorrow! :rockon:

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Only the ones who spout wild conspiracy theories and incorrectly accuse Ford of deception.


xphile has issues just like you and overtheedge but he's not overreacting.


I read this and then I think of this other post made back in Auguest on a different forum by an engineer in Montreal:


"Did you purchase a 2011 model with MyFord (aka Sync 2)?


I worked with Ford on the MyFord system, i.e. so-called upgrade of Sync. Ford decided to build this system themselves and managed the entire software project themselves. It was their first foray in a software project of such magnitude, and I speak from first-hand experience when I say the quality of the software is mediocre at best. The system is rolling out to production now and is still full of bugs. MyFord will have you making repeated trips to the dealership for software updates."


Rather prophetic I'd say. Ford built the system using Adobe Flash for goodness sakes. That's some pretty strong evidence right there they rushed the system to market.

Edited by Ctrl-z
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I read this and then I think of this other post made back in Auguest on a different forum by an engineer in Montreal:


"Did you purchase a 2011 model with MyFord (aka Sync 2)?


I worked with Ford on the MyFord system, i.e. so-called upgrade of Sync. Ford decided to build this system themselves and managed the entire software project themselves. It was their first foray in a software project of such magnitude, and I speak from first-hand experience when I say the quality of the software is mediocre at best. The system is rolling out to production now and is still full of bugs. MyFord will have you making repeated trips to the dealership for software updates."


Rather prophetic I'd say. Ford built the system using Adobe Flash for goodness sakes. That's some pretty strong evidence right there they rushed the system to market.

Very interesting info. Thanks -z

They did rush this to market. Ford Marketing was leading the cart not the Edge.

If the software can't handle the full feature set with all devices, it needs to disable those features with those devices and stop pretending it works.

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So, I went to the dealer today. Told them about the Nav screen not working when the temps are below are certain degree. Of course, the service manager said that they have only sold 2 cars and have not had any complaints. I am dropping the car off on Monday night so they can have it first thing in the morning. Also, no record of a software upgrade so we shall see what they find. Here's hoping!









1. I am calm, very calm.

2. finding a new dealer is not the problem, the dealership was instructed from ford not to do anything (they aware of this problem) that it is a software problem. They (ford) is working on a "fix".


To me this is not acceptable. The Edge did not undergo sufficient testing or they just pushed out into market.


And just last week I was thinking ordering a new F-150 with the new 3.5 twin turbo.........

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I've had the "white screen of dearth" twice in the last couple of weeks. It was not due to cold temperatures. Both times I had to shut off the car and open the door to shut down the system and then restart. The system was operating as I tested voice commands and it responded. It appears to be a video problem.

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These are serious issues. I was going to order my new AWD Ltd in February.. No thanks now unless there is news that these issues have been permanently addressed. My 08 IP even with its old Crown Vic lighting turns out is not so bad after all compared to these problems. My mesage to Ford is to fix it now and fast.

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WIth regards to the original poster, although not as extreme, I do notice the 8" screen takes a bit long to come up now that it is colder in the mornings here in Calgary. But we are talking about 10 seconds longer even after its been running for more than 5 mins. And I would expect it taking even longer the colder it gets. The display on the LCD screen on my old 06 Jeep responded like molasses when it was below - 20 C. I'll probably expect the same thing in my new '11 Edge.


I did have a gripe about the Remote Start climate settings not turning on especially waking up to a half an inch of snow of the vehicle and didn't melt the snow off after using remote start. But it was about 2 C outside. It seems the remote start climate controls kick in when the outside temp is -1 C or below. I am actually very impressed how fast it defrosts the front and rear windows within 5 mins. Sides windows different story.


Mechanical, i think my '11 Edge is great and haven't had an issues in that respect. Yes there are some very frustrating issues with the Sync system and I am sure they will be ironed out over time. One of the things I like about the new Edge and the myTouch is, like the iPhone, it is mostly if not all software driven. You are not restricted by design of analog knobs, buttons or dials. Like the iPhone, the possibility of what MyFord Touch is endless. I just hope that it is not the same trend Microsoft does in the PC world, which is totally understating the hardware requirements to run Windows OS properly.


I have learned to be patient now. iOS 4.2 should be out soon and hopefully fix some of the BT & Phone issues. Maybe this is why the delay in Ford getting out a update as they are testing the new iOS since it seems the majority of SYNC owners have iOS devices.


It would be nice if Ford send an email or letter to us '11 Edge owners stating we are aware of the several issues with the new 2nd generation of SYNC and we are working hard to correct them. After watching the CNBC special on Ford earlier this week, you think they would learn from their past mistakes.


But I am a little dismayed, that I sent SYNC support a detailed email explaining some of the issues, what lead up to the issue, possible workaround or causes. You would think that they would response and have an Engineer work with me or other owners to figure out what is causing this issue. But all I get is some canned reply. If they can only be like the regular Ford Customer Service and go the extra mile to helping you with your issue.

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From an engineering or physics perspective, I wonder if it could be a physical connection issue. I copied this from another website, "Recall that all materials are made up of atoms. At any temperature above absolute zero (-273 degrees celsius) the atoms will be moving. In a solid they will be vibrating in fixed positions, in a liquid thy will be jostling past each other and in a gas they will be whizzing past each other at very high speeds. When a material is heated, the kinetic energy of that material increases and it's atoms and molecules move about more. This means that each atom will take up more space due to it's movement so the material will expand. When it is cold the kinetic energy decreases, so the atoms take up less space and the material contracts. " take from http://www.physlink.com/education/askexperts/ae40.cfm


so, maybe the connector is just a fraction to far from a proper connection or the pc board is not manufactured properly and loses connections. Temp does affect materials. This would possibly explain the problem and why not all users see the problem.


On another note, I feel bad for anyone having to endure the low temps outdoors.

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From an engineering or physics perspective, I wonder if it could be a physical connection issue. I copied this from another website, "Recall that all materials are made up of atoms. At any temperature above absolute zero (-273 degrees celsius) the atoms will be moving. In a solid they will be vibrating in fixed positions, in a liquid thy will be jostling past each other and in a gas they will be whizzing past each other at very high speeds. When a material is heated, the kinetic energy of that material increases and it's atoms and molecules move about more. This means that each atom will take up more space due to it's movement so the material will expand. When it is cold the kinetic energy decreases, so the atoms take up less space and the material contracts. " take from http://www.physlink.com/education/askexperts/ae40.cfm


so, maybe the connector is just a fraction to far from a proper connection or the pc board is not manufactured properly and loses connections. Temp does affect materials. This would possibly explain the problem and why not all users see the problem.


On another note, I feel bad for anyone having to endure the low temps outdoors.



It is currently 14F with wind - brrrrrrrr but my screen is fine... a bit slower maybe but then so am I so not very noticeable.

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Sync and Nav update. Just picked the car up from the dealer and this is a quote from the service manager, " Ford is aware that there is a problem with the Sync and Navigation system in severe cold temperatures. The tech department is investigating this issue and are unsure if it is a hardware or software problem." WTF? Didn't I already know that when I took it in? So, long story short, my Sync is all updated and it is a wait and see game. Also, the glass part of my roof is not even and I was told that the dealer couldn't fix it and they would have to contact a specialist. OMG!








I purchased a new 2011 ford edge limited with sync and nav. BIG PROBLEM If temperature is lees than approx 2*C the touch screen DOES NOT WORK for approx 30 min into the drive (NO nav, NO AC/Heater, NO radio NO nothing). I took the vehicle to ford and they told me ford is fully aware of the problem BUT dont know why, how or when or even if they can fix the problem. How can a company knowely sell a defect product and brag about being quality? I WOULD NOT NOT BUY A 2011 FORD EDGE UNTILL THEY FIX THIS PROBLEM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Sync and Nav update. Just picked the car up from the dealer and this is a quote from the service manager, " Ford is aware that there is a problem with the Sync and Navigation system in severe cold temperatures. The tech department is investigating this issue and are unsure if it is a hardware or software problem." WTF? Didn't I already know that when I took it in? So, long story short, my Sync is all updated and it is a wait and see game. Also, the glass part of my roof is not even and I was told that the dealer couldn't fix it and they would have to contact a specialist. OMG!


Sounds like your dealer could use some better customer service. Sucks that you are having this issue. I can guarantee that this isn't a system wide issue. I haven't had a day above 35f in probably 3 weeks and it doesn't take more than a few seconds to start up my system. Hope they find a fix for you soon.

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But I am a little dismayed, that I sent SYNC support a detailed email explaining some of the issues, what lead up to the issue, possible workaround or causes. You would think that they would response and have an Engineer work with me or other owners to figure out what is causing this issue. But all I get is some canned reply. If they can only be like the regular Ford Customer Service and go the extra mile to helping you with your issue.

Do you really think that Ford engineers are just sitting around waiting for problems to show up on some chart? Ford engineers have been driving around in hundreds of vehicles for years testing the system. They have a list of over 1500 issues that they are working through. They don't need help from you or anyone else right now. They know what the issues are and are working them out.

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Do you really think that Ford engineers are just sitting around waiting for problems to show up on some chart? Ford engineers have been driving around in hundreds of vehicles for years testing the system. They have a list of over 1500 issues that they are working through. They don't need help from you or anyone else right now. They know what the issues are and are working them out.


Nowhere was I implying that they were sitting around waiting for problems. I was merely pointing out the contrast between the service level between Ford CS and SYNC support based on my experience so far. I really wouldn't care if I bought $300 crap PC but I and others have bought a $40k product so it would be a little bit more reasonable to expect a bit more transparency then what we have been getting so far.


I think people would be OK with a few bugs but not OK when the system locks up on you while driving 55-75 MPH.

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Nowhere was I implying that they were sitting around waiting for problems. I was merely pointing out the contrast between the service level between Ford CS and SYNC support based on my experience so far. I really wouldn't care if I bought $300 crap PC but I and others have bought a $40k product so it would be a little bit more reasonable to expect a bit more transparency then what we have been getting so far.


Transparency? What more would any other company tell you about a defect in their product except that it's a known problem and they're working diligently to fix it?


If they have a list of 1500 things to fix, which I don't doubt - this is complicated software written by a car company - then they're spending all their time working on fixes - probably around the clock or close to it - and they don't have time to talk to every customer that calls in with a problem. I'm not really sure what more you're expecting other than a nice personalized response just to make you feel better. It certainly won't get the problems fixed any sooner. Now if this was a rare problem and they weren't already swamped with bug fixes then it might be a different story.

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Holy crap you guys, I'm getting paranoid as I know my vehicle was made 2 weeks ago but still remains in the factory lot. I can only hope that they've held up delivery until some of these problems are solved. How do you know which software version you have? Does the system boot up much like a desktop, showing the software version before displaying a home screen?

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Holy crap you guys, I'm getting paranoid as I know my vehicle was made 2 weeks ago but still remains in the factory lot. I can only hope that they've held up delivery until some of these problems are solved. How do you know which software version you have? Does the system boot up much like a desktop, showing the software version before displaying a home screen?


If you have your VIN number, create an account on syncmyride.com... it'll show the sync install history (including version). Hope you get yours soon... expecting mine tomorrow! *crosses fingers*

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I agree somewhat agree with you Akirby. It is wishful thinking on my part but I'm very bias too. I do work in IT and I appreciate when my users give me as much detail information because how else am I going to properly troubleshoot the issues they are having. From another perspective, I work for a GPS company and we make GPS receivers that have have sub-centimeter accuracy and cost just a bit more then my Edge. I don't think we would be in business if we kept brushing our customers off. We do work closely with our customers and if need be, send out a tech or an engineer out in in the field. Buying our GPS technology is a huge investment for our customers and they expect great customer service and for our products to work because it generates income for them.


Although, it would of been nice to have an email reply that had brief explanations stating, we are aware of this and that or we didn't come across this issue and we will look into further. But all I got was "you have the latest version" Period. Excuse me, I just paid half my annual salary on this vehicle and that is all the response I get? I think at least myself and probably others are expecting is an acknowledgement from Ford to calm some of the owners' nerves and avoid a PR nightmare. Shaky's post is clear case of this.


Maybe all my ranting is simply that i want to be a beta tester an for upcoming update and put it through its paces. ;)

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I agree somewhat agree with you Akirby. It is wishful thinking on my part but I'm very bias too. I do work in IT and I appreciate when my users give me as much detail information because how else am I going to properly troubleshoot the issues they are having. From another perspective, I work for a GPS company and we make GPS receivers that have have sub-centimeter accuracy and cost just a bit more then my Edge. I don't think we would be in business if we kept brushing our customers off. We do work closely with our customers and if need be, send out a tech or an engineer out in in the field. Buying our GPS technology is a huge investment for our customers and they expect great customer service and for our products to work because it generates income for them.


Although, it would of been nice to have an email reply that had brief explanations stating, we are aware of this and that or we didn't come across this issue and we will look into further. But all I got was "you have the latest version" Period. Excuse me, I just paid half my annual salary on this vehicle and that is all the response I get? I think at least myself and probably others are expecting is an acknowledgement from Ford to calm some of the owners' nerves and avoid a PR nightmare. Shaky's post is clear case of this.


Maybe all my ranting is simply that i want to be a beta tester an for upcoming update and put it through its paces. ;)

I think if this was an isolated incident and they weren't already swamped with problems then they would probably be more attentive. I work in IT also and I know if I had a bug list of 1500 things to work on including severity 1 problems and I had customers reporting similar problems I would probably ignore them also in an attempt to get as many of the know problems fixed as soon as possible.


I think it's also very likely that your problem is already known and is just waiting for a fix. You also have to understand that Ford isn't a software company so all this is probably new for them. They're not used to having serious software problems like this.


And even though you did pay $40K, the rest of the vehicle works so it's really just a $1500 part that's not working right, not the whole thing. If it wasn't driveable then the $40K analogy would be more appropriate.


I'm not trying to tell you that you shouldn't be frustrated or that you shouldn't blame Ford - this is obviously a major screwup on their part. Just trying to keep it all in perspective.

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I think if this was an isolated incident and they weren't already swamped with problems then they would probably be more attentive. I work in IT also and I know if I had a bug list of 1500 things to work on including severity 1 problems and I had customers reporting similar problems I would probably ignore them also in an attempt to get as many of the know problems fixed as soon as possible.


I think it's also very likely that your problem is already known and is just waiting for a fix. You also have to understand that Ford isn't a software company so all this is probably new for them. They're not used to having serious software problems like this.


And even though you did pay $40K, the rest of the vehicle works so it's really just a $1500 part that's not working right, not the whole thing. If it wasn't driveable then the $40K analogy would be more appropriate.


I'm not trying to tell you that you shouldn't be frustrated or that you shouldn't blame Ford - this is obviously a major screwup on their part. Just trying to keep it all in perspective.


Nods I agree. You summed it up nicely. I tend to be long winded at times.


The rest of vehicle works great and very happy with it. Actually it got me out of dangerous situation the other day. We got a major dump of snow around Calgary and it got me out of being mushed into a semi sandwich.

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I agree somewhat agree with you Akirby. It is wishful thinking on my part but I'm very bias too. I do work in IT and I appreciate when my users give me as much detail information because how else am I going to properly troubleshoot the issues they are having. From another perspective, I work for a GPS company and we make GPS receivers that have have sub-centimeter accuracy and cost just a bit more then my Edge. I don't think we would be in business if we kept brushing our customers off. We do work closely with our customers and if need be, send out a tech or an engineer out in in the field. Buying our GPS technology is a huge investment for our customers and they expect great customer service and for our products to work because it generates income for them.


Although, it would of been nice to have an email reply that had brief explanations stating, we are aware of this and that or we didn't come across this issue and we will look into further. But all I got was "you have the latest version" Period. Excuse me, I just paid half my annual salary on this vehicle and that is all the response I get? I think at least myself and probably others are expecting is an acknowledgement from Ford to calm some of the owners' nerves and avoid a PR nightmare. Shaky's post is clear case of this.


Maybe all my ranting is simply that i want to be a beta tester an for upcoming update and put it through its paces. ;)

Well put. All I got out of Sync Support was that I have the latest version and I should reset Touch to factory defaults. BS

Sync acts like they have no clue!



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I think if this was an isolated incident and they weren't already swamped with problems then they would probably be more attentive. I work in IT also and I know if I had a bug list of 1500 things to work on including severity 1 problems and I had customers reporting similar problems I would probably ignore them also in an attempt to get as many of the know problems fixed as soon as possible.


I think it's also very likely that your problem is already known and is just waiting for a fix. You also have to understand that Ford isn't a software company so all this is probably new for them. They're not used to having serious software problems like this.


And even though you did pay $40K, the rest of the vehicle works so it's really just a $1500 part that's not working right, not the whole thing. If it wasn't driveable then the $40K analogy would be more appropriate.


I'm not trying to tell you that you shouldn't be frustrated or that you shouldn't blame Ford - this is obviously a major screwup on their part. Just trying to keep it all in perspective.



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I think if this was an isolated incident and they weren't already swamped with problems then they would probably be more attentive. I work in IT also and I know if I had a bug list of 1500 things to work on including severity 1 problems and I had customers reporting similar problems I would probably ignore them also in an attempt to get as many of the know problems fixed as soon as possible.


I think it's also very likely that your problem is already known and is just waiting for a fix. You also have to understand that Ford isn't a software company so all this is probably new for them. They're not used to having serious software problems like this.


And even though you did pay $40K, the rest of the vehicle works so it's really just a $1500 part that's not working right, not the whole thing. If it wasn't driveable then the $40K analogy would be more appropriate.


I'm not trying to tell you that you shouldn't be frustrated or that you shouldn't blame Ford - this is obviously a major screwup on their part. Just trying to keep it all in perspective.

I don't ignore customer's issues. My customers would go elsewhere if I ignore them.

If I had a list of 1500 problems and couldn't get them fixed in a timely manner, I would try to stop the bleeding and let the support staff know what the hell was going on so they can inform the complaining customers.

Getting a DUH response from support helps no one and pisses of the customer.




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I don't ignore customer's issues. My customers would go elsewhere if I ignore them.

If I had a list of 1500 problems and couldn't get them fixed in a timely manner, I would try to stop the bleeding and let the support staff know what the hell was going on so they can inform the complaining customers.

Getting a DUH response from support helps no one and pisses of the customer.


I agree the support staff should have a better answer for customers. Hopefully they learn from this one and get better.


However, the dealer has already acknowledged that this is a problem and they're working on a fix, so the problem itself is not being ignored. Remember that car mfrs don't generally deal directly with customers on warranty issues - that's what dealers are for. It's not ideal sometimes but that's the system we're stuck with thanks to automotive franchise laws. Just because it's a software problem on the infotainment system doesn't make it different than some other warranty problem like a bad engine or bad transmission. The process is the same.

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