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Everything posted by wlepse

  1. Had a similar issue. Previous ride had bumper and headlight replaced. Don't recall what the report said but was very vague and had a big effect on trade in value. Wish report inluded repair cost...that would at least give people an idea of how much damage was done.
  2. Selling wheels sucks. Like I mentioned to you via PM a while back the shipping really makes selling difficult. While ls973800 has a point about splitting these up and possibly clearing them out it does come with extra costs too. Besides, I HATE dealing with people on craigslist. Seems like the shadiest people are always the ones I end up trying to sell things to. When they finally show up the 5th time I feel like they are checking out my place to see what else they might want to come back for. I thought you were thinking about making them snows? If you do have snows mounted then maybe throw the tires up on CL.
  3. They need to figure out a way to import and export these settings. If they can keep presets thete is no reason to lose nav favorites. Such a PITA since some of our favs are not visited often and previous attempts to find or send didn't work well
  4. Can anyone confirm if this update wipes out you settings for radio, nav favorites etc? I don't mind pairing phones again but losing the nav favorites is a major PITA.
  5. This may be more of an issue in the future than older systems. Since the last two upgrades have required new nav cards you may have compatability issues in the future. Not sure what is changing on the card, probably something to do with voice commands, but this change may make getting "new" cards hard unless offered by Ford.
  6. Haven't had issues with scratched glass so can't help there. I think to change out the remote start you'd have to remove the current unit, install the bidirectional and have it programmed. They use different modules, if you go to partscheap.com I am pretty sure they have the install info up and you can see what parts are actually different between teh two. Google is no longer supported. Not sure on the voice tag, I don't use teh voice recognition on mine since it doesn't work well. When you have your phone paired you can have it call services, once connected it will say you have a location ready to download and asks if you want to. After it downloads you can set it as a destination or whatever you want to do. Hope that helps.
  7. Bulbs were seated fine...they exhibited hot spots on my last ride too. I was originally going to sell them because of it but installed 55w hids and hardly used high beams again. So I forgot about it till they went in the Ford.
  8. They do have an amazing ouput and worked great on my previous ride but i do think it is optics related. Since the bulbs were modified to fit into a different housing the tabs are pretty different than stock. I might have been able to rotate the bulb to eliminate but since the output didn't seem like a noticeable difference I gave up.
  9. I think the invoice was from candlepower, I was dealing with Daniel Stern so I know they are legit.
  10. Great move on their part. First it takes the load of the programming work of them and second if anything doesn't work right they aren't to blame. Smart idea. But I have to love the criteria for the apps they list here: https://developer.ford.com/develop/approval-criteria/ Right at the beginning they have three requirements....seems like they should follow their own criteria.
  11. Another option is a folding hitch mount from wally world for 30 bucks or a riser for about the same
  12. I agree, but to be fair filled for life is accurate and valid. You are just looking to increase the service life that they have designed into the part. Everything does need a fluid change interval if you want it to last. But this is not always the goal of a manufacturer. Coming from several OEM's; I have had management complain that an improvement I made to the design cost them consumable business. While I don't think they intend on this being a consumable, they may be banking on this part starting to fail around the time someone might be thinking of a new vehicle. They get you in for service and offer you a nice trade and have you back in the fold. It seems I am part of the minority that keeps their vehicle for a long time...haven't had a car for less than 125k and one to 270k. But I am not the type of person the auto industry likes. They want those people coming back every 3-5 years. First, I appreciate the effort you put into the teardown. But I think the statement above is flawed. While it could be that a cost based decision was made initially to use a lower quality oil; one would think the warranty costs incurred would be far more at this point. In the quantities Ford buys lubricants the cost differential wouldn't be much at all. So I suspect the lube may not be the biggest issue. I think the lack of scheduled maintenance or ability to easily do this is more of a problem. Which to be honest I am surprised they have not addressed. I do like the idea of being able to drain the PTU but would really like to see a fill port like I am sure you are used to on the Audi rear diffs. Not only does it make refilling easier it also limits your chances of over/under filling. Any chance there is room in there for a fluid level fill plug?
  13. Wow that is terrible. At least with the MFT issues I have they seem to at least be working on it. I would contact a lawyer and find out what your lemon laws are...then do what ever you can to meet the requirements and force their hand. Sorry to hear about this experience and sad that the dealer would even recommend doing that. But I would not follow their suggestion because I am sure Ford will come back and say it was your responsibility to keep the coolant level high enough not to cause damage. So if you drive this and it overheats and warps a head they will likely leave you with the bill.
  14. Check the hood switch. When my dealer forgot to reinstall mine after doing other work the car honked and lights flashed. Once they put it back in the system worked again. So maybe you have a bad switch or a loose connection. Switch is a plunger style switch on the front left.
  15. Akirby...just to be fair. As I have mentioned this system has been checked out by two different dealers. Both said the system, APIM included were functioning fine. I do not know if they have actual diagnostics they can run or if Ford just won't authorize the replacement again. I have no idea what is happening behind the scenes. But with that said, the TSB calls out most of the issues I have and have had for some time. I sincerely hope Ford's fix is not to try to cover up hardware problems by rewriting code. So I have to believe they are approaching the problem correctly and they know it is software based not hardware. The only hardware issue I could see if there is a board component that varies a bit and they are having issues finding a driver that can cover the range of these bits. That could explain how some versions of the code run so well for some and so poorly for others. To you point of just buying a new phone for a few hundred....I would do this in a heart beat if it would fix the problems. Problem is there is NO consensus on what does work well. The phone I am currently using supports text messaging but pairing to the system is a crap shoot lately. 3 months ago pairing happened everytime and often before the car was back in drive. So why would anyone spend more money trying to patch this system when its stability with the same components varies so wildly over time?
  16. Well there were discussions about this but I guess I was dubbed when they told me that the rewrite would fix all the ills. But while it is true some are not having extensive issues obviously the issues must be very common otherwise Ford wouldn't be doing anything.
  17. See this is the type of thing that scares me about this system. I think we started with 2.8 and had some issues but nothing compared to 2.11. But that version seemed to run so well for so many other people. Then the rewrite was better for a while but now the gremlins are back. But voice controls have been crap on every version, but we also have a lot of background noise on calls so maybe this affects the systems ability to determine what is said. As for taking it in...did that...was told there was nothing more they could do and we should wait for the rewrite. Even discussed the issue with the regional customer service manager. He basically said the same thing...nothing they can do so just wait. If it were my vehicle it wouldn't be a huge deal as I can figure out which fuse to pull or pull the battery cables. But since this is the wifes ride and she is carting our then 1 yo it wasn't an option for her to try to deal with this. So some days she just couldn't go anywhere if it were too cold out.
  18. Voice control is worse with 3.5.1? Crap...that is one of the things that drives me crazy with the current system since it locks you out of most features while moving and the only access is through voice control. I was hoping since the TSB specifically mentioned that there was an improvement there actually would be. Still don't know why this is such an issue when my phone handles this task so much better. Granted the texting application gets a few things wrong but the nav is damn near perfect.
  19. I agree with this to a point. But there are major differences. I might buy a phone and it could turn out to be crap. But if I decide to throw it out I am only out a few hundred dollars. That clearly isn't the case with the Edge. Also a huge problem is they have relied so heavily in the functioning of this system that hard button/knob controls are missing for things like HVAC. Last winter we had no heat or any control of the system....this is completely unacceptable and to me makes the mulfunctioning system much more of an issue than a phone that drops calls on occasion.
  20. First question would be where are they from and are you sure the rims will fit? Besides the bolt spacing you need to make sure the offset and bore are OK too. Beyond that a quick check of TR shows the right size tire is 235/65, it doesn't list 235/55 as an alternate. Will it fit? Sure...would I do it no. Just a quick guestimate would be that the speedo would be off more than 5%. So while the speedo would read faster than your actual speed you'll also be racking up miles on the odometer that you didn't do.
  21. It is not flaky hardware...been to two different dealers and they both say it is fine. Also it would make no sense for Ford to rewrite code to fix bad hardware. The exact issues I have been complaining about are what they have listed in the TSB attached in this thread. If anything it is underpowered hardware being asked to do way too much and that is the reason Ford keeps trimming back functionality. But the cost to replace everyones APIM with a decent processor and memory would be way too much. I have a similar app but again it has nothing to do with the phone. As I mentioned in a previous post the phone(s) will connect fine to numerous other devices right after failing with the MFT. If it were a memeory issue on the phone side I would have issues with any device. Further, the recent behavior has been that when the phone doesn't connect and you go to the phone menu to force it, the connect button is grayed out like it is already connected. But if you try to use it through the system you can't. 50% of the time I can fix it by selecting another phone in the list, then going back to the other and magically the connect button is available. The other Half of the time the only thing I can do is shut down the car open/close the door and try again. This can't be a phone issue since the phone was never rebooted. Again I really this all ties back to what I mention above...this computer is way underpowered for the tasks at hand. As I recall the CPU is 400MHz with only 256MB of memory. Even the cheapest cell phones are beating this and they typically get bashed for not having enough resources or computing power. So why on earth would we expect a system that is tasked with more than a cheap cell phone to work better with less?
  22. Actually that isn't the answer and is a cheap cop out by Ford. All the phones I have synced have had issues at some point with this system. And I know you are going to try to say it is still the phone but during these periods of issues the phones connect fine to multiple other BT devices. I can stream music, push files and talk through headsets with NO issues. So this has everything to do with how Ford implements BT as well as other features. Oh wait, next you will say it is all B Squares fault. Again, sometimes this thing works fine others it just completely craps out. If they could just get it stable sp I could at least count on the system to work that would be a good start.
  23. Can't speak for the other guys or girls but for me I just want what they sold me to work and work at least 95% of the time. What is the most enraging about this system is that sometimes it does work fine then sometimes it just won't. When we first updated the background noise on calls was much reduced but that only lasted a few weeks. Phones connected quick but now it is hit and miss. Sometimes I can't even force them to connect or they are grayed out. But probably the biggest disappointment is the voice control. I would say I get this to work less than 20% of the time. But what makes it extra annoying is I can get five steps in with no problems then it just decides to do nothing and return me to my audio source....well sometimes MY audio source...sometimes it feels I really wanted something else. I realize it will never be perfect but it is so far from even being adequate you comments are really just silly.
  24. There was a thread a while back where several people found it to be more of a gimick than anything. Mine does read messages but reads them in a voice and cadence that just seems unnatural. To make things worse it doesn't mute or evenly partially mute audio sources so the voice is lost. If I remember correctly the menu times out quickly so if you don't pick your option right after hearing the message you are SOL. Though I think you can use vpice commands to get back...but mine rarely work. I find pretty much any app to do the same thing is easier to manage and much safer in the end.
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